An oncologist is a medical specialist who studies tumors, their etiology and pathogenesis. This specialist is engaged in the complex prevention and treatment of various types of cancer.

The specifics of the activity of an oncologist
Oncology was formed as a complex science in the 20th century. This section of science is aimed at the prevention and treatment of tumors of a malignant and benign nature. The oncologist studies the causes and mechanisms of cancer, and also uses the most effective methods of treatment.
Malignant tumors can affect various organs, therefore, various methods are used to treat them. The oncologist works with other medical professionals, including otolaryngologists, surgeons, proctologists, gastroenterologists and dermatologists, to determine the appropriate treatment for each patient.
The oncologist specializes in a variety of treatments, including chemotherapy, radiation, hormone therapy, and immune therapy. The treatment strategy is developed individually, taking into account the diagnostic indications and the patient's condition, as well as in accordance with the stage of the disease. The sooner cancer is found, the more effective the treatment will be. Therefore, special attention is paid to early diagnosis, including blood tests, ultrasound and cancer markers.
The specialty "doctor oncologist" requires extensive knowledge in various fields of medicine. The oncologist receives positive reviews when using the most effective methods of treatment, but at present, not all patients can be cured and the development of cancerous tumors is stopped.
Responsibilities and professional skills of an oncologist
The oncologist works in various public and private institutions, including oncology departments of hospitals, cancer centers and research institutes. This specialist must have a high level of professionalism, responsibility, be stress-resistant and have a scientific mindset.
The oncologist must apply various modern methods of prevention and treatment of oncological diseases, use psychological methods of work and develop an individual medical treatment card for each patient.
The oncologist receives professional growth and good reviews with successful treatment and full recovery of patients.
Oncologist consultation and diagnostic methods
It is necessary to make an appointment for a consultation with an oncologist not only in case of cancer symptoms, but also for the prevention of oncological diseases. Early diagnosis is one of the main factors for successful treatment.
At the consultation, the oncologist shows attentiveness, correctness and professionalism when communicating with patients. Special attention is paid to medical ethics and quality medical care.
The oncologist uses modern methods of diagnosis and treatment, and also prescribes various medications. The main methods for diagnosing cancer include:
- instrumental with the use of special instruments (bronchoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, etc.), radiation techniques (X-ray, computed and magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound) and biopsy;
- clinical, in which a medical examination of the patient is carried out and the study of his clinical picture;
- laboratory, which includes the study of blood and biological fluids, as well as the determination of receptor sensitivity.
The oncologist detects pathological and hereditary diseases, checks the nature of moles and birthmarks, determines the hereditary predisposition to cancer.
At the reception, the oncologist conducts an examination and palpation, and also prescribes a comprehensive study (ultrasound, mammography, cytological and hormonal analysis). If necessary, uses the surgical treatment of mastitis, lactostasis and other pathological changes. To detect malignant skin lesions, the doctor prescribes dermatoscopy.
With a hereditary predisposition to cancer and, if the patient wishes, the oncologist removes papillomas, moles, warts and basilomas using the radiosurgical method and electrocoagulation.
Oncologists in Israel:
The main distinguishing feature of the work of an oncologist in Israel is the strict reasoning of the prescribed examination and treatment. After histological verification of the diagnosis, it is the physician's responsibility to choose the treatment protocol. In Israel, this choice is always based and confirmed by the latest, most modern data published in international oncological journals, and the medical history always indicates the study according to which this protocol gives the best result for this type of cancer.
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