Phlebology is a medical discipline that studies the anatomical structure of veins, the normal and pathological physiology of venous blood flow. Phlebology studies methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of various acute and chronic diseases of the venous vessels.

A phlebologist is a specialist in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of the venous system. Judging by the reviews, a phlebologist is usually contacted when a feeling of heaviness in the legs appears, with edema, cramps, leg fatigue, dilated veins, vascular networks and darkening of the skin on the legs, with thickening of the subcutaneous tissue.
A phlebologist treats post-thrombophlebitic disease, trophic ulcer, thrombosis and varicose veins, angiodysplasia, lymphedema, chronic venous insufficiency, vascular tumors, Paget-Schrötter syndrome, phlebopathy, and also removes moles, papillomas and other skin formations.
Phlebologist consultation
Based on the reviews, the phlebologist, during the consultation, listens carefully to complaints and asks the patient in detail about the diseases of the next of kin. After all, the tendency to venous disease is most often passed on from generation to generation. Then the doctor shines through the patient's legs with a special lamp. Very often, the Doppler ultrasound method is used for diagnostics, which allows you to see through the veins and the blood flowing through them. With this method, a phlebologist assesses the condition of the venous valves and measures the velocity of blood flow in the veins. The Doppler ultrasound procedure is completely painless and lasts no more than 25-30 minutes.
After a preliminary examination, the doctor usually directs the patient to a biochemical and general blood test, to study the blood coagulation system. Further, the phlebologist, based on the results of the examination, selects an individual treatment regimen.
It is highly desirable to regularly sign up for a phlebologist's consultation during pregnancy, with a sedentary or sedentary lifestyle, with obesity, with a genetic predisposition to venous diseases, with flat feet.
A phlebologist's consultation is needed by athletes involved in jogging, weight lifting, skiing, as well as elderly people.
Medical methods of treating vascular diseases
Depending on the severity of the disease, phlebologists prescribe drug therapy (tablets, ointments), sclerotherapy, foam sclerotherapy, echosclerotherapy, compression massage (special socks, tights, stockings), venectomy, phlebectomy.
Varicose asterisks are usually sealed with a very thin Teflon or gold-coated electrode with a high-frequency pulse (microthermocoagulation procedure). Such treatment takes place without the use of drugs. Microsclerotherapy allows you to remove spider veins with a diameter greater than 0.2 mm. In this case, a drug is injected with an ultra-thin needle that closes the lumen of the capillary.
In especially difficult situations, surgical intervention is required. Sclerotherapy usually helps patients in such cases. This method allows you to selectively preserve healthy vessels and remove the affected veins.
However, sclerotherapy is ineffective for trophic ulcers, eczema, thrombophlebitis. Then, judging by the reviews, phlebologists use a combined technique that combines sclerotherapy and surgery.
Varicose veins are considered the most common leg disease. This disease sometimes leads to complications such as phlebothrombosis and thrombophlebitis. Detachment of a blood clot can be fatal. Laser microsurgery is considered one of the most advanced treatments for varicose veins. Such treatment consists in treating the damaged area of the vein from the inside with a laser beam. Laser microsurgery is effective, safe and painless.
Medical methods of treatment allow for a long time to exclude the affected veins from the bloodstream and reduce the load on healthy vessels.
Correctly selected treatment can only slow down the development of the disease, remove all its manifestations. However, in the future, the disease may manifest itself again.
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