Diet With Activated Carbon - Mechanism, Scheme, Reviews

Diet With Activated Carbon - Mechanism, Scheme, Reviews
Diet With Activated Carbon - Mechanism, Scheme, Reviews

Diet with activated charcoal

Features of the activated charcoal diet
Features of the activated charcoal diet

Many people today are faced with the problem of being overweight. The reasons for its appearance can be very different, including internal: for example, decreased secretion of the pancreas and thyroid glands, adrenal glands, or dysfunction of the hypothalamus. However, the most common cause of obesity is a sedentary lifestyle, in which energy expenditure is lower than the caloric value of food intake.

As a rule, a diet seems to be a reasonable way out of this situation, and a woman begins to try one diet after another without consulting a nutritionist, causing irreparable damage to her health.

Consider the dangers of using a diet from an unverified source using the activated charcoal diet as an example.

The mechanism of weight loss in an activated carbon diet

The activated charcoal diet is an alternative health-promoting diet. Its authors promote the intake of activated carbon as a good means of cleansing from toxins and toxins that the body receives from food and water.

Activated carbon (carbolene) is a porous substance obtained from organic carbon-containing materials, primarily charcoal. The activation process consists in thermal opening of the pores in the carbon material in a closed state.

The use of activated carbon in the diet is justified by the fact that it has an adsorbing and detoxifying effect. Losing weight in a diet with activated carbon, according to its supporters, is due to the fact that this adsorbent blocks fats and carbohydrates in the gastrointestinal tract. Thus, caloric intake is reduced and natural weight loss occurs.

Schemes for taking activated carbon in a diet for weight loss

There are the following schemes for taking activated charcoal in a diet for weight loss:

  • One charcoal tablet for every 20 kilograms of its own weight before each main meal, for 20-30 days;
  • On the first day of the course, take one pill, on the second - two, and so on, adding one pill every day. The course is designed for 10 days;
  • Take charcoal during the course on an empty stomach before breakfast. Start with 10 tablets, adding no more than 2 tablets daily, until the number of tablets reaches 30. in one go. The course is designed for 10-20 days;
  • Take 6 charcoal tablets before each main meal, regardless of body weight. The course is 14 days.

With any scheme, you should drink the tablets with a glass of water and not eat for half an hour after taking activated carbon for weight loss. The diet also allows the use of herbal laxatives from time to time.

Diet recommendations during an activated charcoal diet are characterized, as a rule, by advice to eat less, exercise more, eliminate sweets and fried foods.

The result of a diet with activated carbon, according to the authors of the methodology, will be a loss of 5-6 kilograms.

The real results of the activated charcoal diet

Mechanism of the activated carbon diet
Mechanism of the activated carbon diet

Before deciding to use an activated charcoal diet for weight loss, you should understand how the process of losing weight actually occurs and what consequences excessive use of activated charcoal can lead to.

You need to know: despite the fact that activated carbon can be purchased without a prescription and at an affordable price, you need to carefully study the instructions, since the drug has contraindications. These are ulcerative lesions and bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.

It is difficult to predict what impact coal will have with long-term use on a case-by-case basis. But in the described diets with activated charcoal, taking pills lasts from 10 days to a month.

Indeed, the absorbency of activated carbon allows you to bind and remove toxins, excess fluid and decay products from the body. However, the danger of this aspect is that with prolonged use of activated carbon in the diet, according to doctors, not only toxins are absorbed and removed, but also minerals, vitamins and other useful substances. Also, due to its adsorptive properties, activated carbon is able to reduce the effectiveness of simultaneously used medicinal substances.

According to reviews, the activated charcoal diet does not bring any noticeable results, since the adsorbent does not block the absorption of fats and carbohydrates.

Appetite decreases during an activated charcoal diet, but you need to understand the reason why this is happening. As follows from the described schemes, coal must be washed down with water half an hour before meals. As a result, the stomach is filled and slightly stretched with water and solid particles of coal, and this leads to a quick feeling of fullness and, accordingly, to a decrease in the portion of food. But this effect also does not contribute to weight loss due to the ability of coal to remove useful substances from the body. Food will no longer be balanced, and hunger will gradually return.

So, according to doctors and nutritionists, an activated charcoal diet does more harm than good. In medicine, this adsorbent is widely used for the rapid absorption of toxins, elimination of waste products of pathogenic flora and neutralization of some poisons during food poisoning. The use of activated carbon in a weight loss diet is not approved by any medical school or science.

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