Educational Games For Children 5 Years Old

Educational Games For Children 5 Years Old
Educational Games For Children 5 Years Old

Educational games for children 5 years old

When choosing educational games for children 5 years old, adults should take into account the level of development of cognitive abilities and mental processes, as well as the age characteristics of the child. Educational games for children of 5 years old are necessary not only for fun pastime and entertainment, but for development and education. Therefore, when choosing a game, one must be guided by its beneficial effect on the upbringing and development of the baby.

The most effective educational games for children 5 years old
The most effective educational games for children 5 years old

Children's educational games at the age of 5 for the development of logic, thinking and imagination

At this age, children are fully influenced by a fairy tale. The use of fairy tales in various educational games for children contributes to the development of speech, thinking, imagination and imagination of the baby.

To play Finger Theater, an adult needs to prepare in advance illustrations of characters from various fairy tales (Kolobok, Masha and the Bear, Turnip). An adult should cut out heroes of fairy tales from the illustration and glue a strip of paper rolled up in a ring to them. This strip will be fixed on the fingers of an adult and a child during the game.

An adult introduces the kid to a fairy tale, and then this fairy tale is told in the roles. Such educational games for children 5 years old develop imagination and fine motor skills.

For the next children's educational game for 5 years old, you need to pick up pictures for the fairy tale you have read or your favorite, and then cut the pictures into arbitrary parts. After that, you can invite your child to collect a plot from your favorite fairy tale and retell it. The kid should try to describe in detail the events that took place in this fairy tale before this plot and after it.

You can invite your child to come up with a continuation of the tale or change its plot. Let the kid figure out how the events in the read fairy tale could still develop. For example, how they divided the turnip after they pulled it out of the ground, who could interfere with the heroes of the fairy tale, and how this story ended.

For a children's educational game "Magic Bag" an adult needs to prepare a bag in which the child's favorite toys will lie. Then the child should take out a toy and tell a story about it. In this game, an adult can ask leading questions to make it easier for a child to compose a fairy tale.

Logic educational games for children 5 years old is another important aspect in the development and education of a child. These games teach the child to think logically, be attentive, train memory and promote the development of imagination.

As a logical educational game for children 5 years old, you can offer applications, a constructor, puzzles, loto, dominoes, checkers. You can also draw and cut out your favorite doll with your child, and then come up with outfits for her.

Educational games for children 5 years old for the development of hand motor skills and attention

You will need a ball to play "It happens - it does not happen". The adult says the phrase, and the child catches the ball only if what the adult said happens in real life. Otherwise, the child must throw the ball. For example, children sing, fish fly, a bear walks the streets, fish swim in a river.

For the next game, you need to explain to the child that the shadow of any object repeats all its contours. Then fix a sheet of paper on the wall and invite the child to come closer to him so that a shadow falls on the paper. An adult draws the resulting contour, and the child independently draws hair, clothes, face. Before drawing, the kid should carefully consider his reflection in the mirror. Any developmental game for children 5 years old can be remade for a specific child (in accordance with his interests).

You can make a greeting card with your child. First you need to find out for what holiday and for whom this card will be made. Next, fold a sheet of paper in half, and cut pictures from magazines. Then glue the pictures on the outside of the postcard, add congratulations.

It is very useful to play with your child a children's educational game for 5 years "My friendly family". For this game you will need a simple pencil, scrapbook paper, felt-tip pens or colored pencils. On the album sheet, put the baby's palm with fingers apart, circle the outline of the palm with a simple pencil. Use colored pencils at the fingertips to depict the faces of family members, relatives. All details (hair color and length, lip shape, eye color) can be discussed in advance. Place the child's palm again on the finished drawing. Under the poem, the baby should alternately raise his fingers (finger is grandfather, finger is grandmother, finger is daddy, finger is mommy, finger is me!).

You can invite your baby to look at the eyes in the mirror, and then draw them on a colored sheet. It is necessary to advise the child, when depicting the eyes, not to forget about the emotional state of the gaze. Such educational games for children 5 years old contribute to the formation of skills, the upbringing of emotions and feelings.

Psychologists believe that active developmental games for 5 years influence the development of endurance, speed and strength, motor skills in the best way. In outdoor games, the body is hardened, because the child is engaged in a kind of physical education.

Educational computer games for 5 years

Educational computer games for children 5 years old help the child better prepare for school activities. Thanks to online games, the kid will quickly learn to distinguish numbers and letters, write, count. Educational games teach to invent, prove, reason, which means that they develop imagination, intelligence, thinking.

Educational games for children 5 years old - we play in kindergarten, at home and in the fresh air
Educational games for children 5 years old - we play in kindergarten, at home and in the fresh air

Cognitive educational games for children 5 years old are very colorful. All of them are accompanied by pleasant music. The kid solves game problems and gets positive emotions.

Educational computer games for 5 years for the development of attention and memory are based on interesting and funny tasks. A child in these games can look for objects, pairs, find unnecessary or identical objects. These games will help your kid to be more attentive, observant and quick-witted.

Children's coloring pages give the child the opportunity to learn all the variety of shades and colors of the world around him, to strengthen his knowledge of the shapes and sizes of various objects.

Online logic games will teach a child to compare, analyze, collate information. Online games will help your child have an interesting time.

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