Educational Games For Children 7 Years Old

Educational Games For Children 7 Years Old
Educational Games For Children 7 Years Old

Educational games for children 7 years old

A seven-year-old child is already attending school, where he learns the basics of mathematics, learns to write in copybooks and memorize poetry. The task of each parent is to help the child adapt to the rules existing at school and the teaching methods used by teachers, to develop the child's abilities, his logical thinking, memory, outlook and intellect.

Educational games for children 7 years old - individual and collective
Educational games for children 7 years old - individual and collective

To cope with such tasks for parents, and turn learning into exciting activities, educational games for children of 7 years old can help.

Any educational game for children of 7 years old contains a certain goal, and there are no extraneous or distant tasks in it, which can be compared to a game of football, where the goal is to win the team, and the game activity does not go beyond the framework and rules defined and explained to the child in advance. This focus helps the child to concentrate, and the absence of distractions encourages intense focus on the task. You can play educational games for children of 7 years old on a computer, in specialized books and manuals, you can do them yourself at home - in any case, such games will turn into exciting activities for the whole family.

Didactic educational games for children 7 years old

Didactic games are classes organized in the form of educational games in which a number of principles of active play learning are implemented, which are distinguished by the presence of a fixed structure and rules of play activity and an assessment system. If a didactic educational game for children of 7 years old is a collective one and, for example, is used at school, then the task of each participant and the team as a whole is to solve the set task faster than the other team, focusing their behavior on winning. If the didactic game is used by the parents for the development of the child, then the purpose of such a game is to familiarize the child with concepts unknown to him.

Examples of didactic educational games for children of 7 years old, conducted at home, are:

  • Best Counter game. The parent prepares in advance 10 pictures, which depict various objects or living beings in an amount from 1 to 10 pieces. It can be a variety of animals, marine life, kitchen utensils, vegetables, fruits, etc. Also, the parent prepares 10 cards, which show the numbers from 1 to 10. Then, one at a time, the parent shows the child a picture for 15-20 seconds, and then turns it with its back side so that the child does not have the opportunity to spy on. The child's task is to have time to count the number of objects or living beings shown in the picture in the allotted time, choose a card with a figure corresponding to this number and tell the parent the name of everything that was present in the picture;
  • Educational game for children of 7 years old "Mathematical relay". The purpose of this game is to familiarize the child with the formation of numbers from ones and ten. For its implementation, the parent must prepare in advance cards on which the numbers from 1 to 10, a dozen triangles and a dozen circles, approximately 7-10 cm in height and width, cut out of colored cardboard will be depicted. Then the parent asks the child to solve a small example (for example, 1 + 3), and add the answer to it from circles and triangles, then find the card corresponding to this answer and name the composition of the number. Gradually, the parent leads the child to the fact that he must carry out all these manipulations in a certain time, which will develop the speed of solving mathematical problems by the child;
  • Educational game for children 7 years old "Molchanka". The meaning of this game is for the child to learn to count in the mind and write down numbers, which helps to establish an interaction between written and oral numbering of numbers. The parent prepares in advance the cards with two-digit numbers and operation signs (plus and minus), or if a chalk board is available, then draws two-digit numbers on it, and several dozen cut digits from 0 to 9. Then he silently shows the child or draws on a two-digit number on the blackboard, and the child makes it out of the cut numbers. With a little practice, the parent begins to show easy examples on pre-prepared cards, or draws them on the board, and the child counts in his mind and makes up an answer from the cut out numbers, which he shows to the parent;
  • Educational game for children 7 years old "Announcement in the newspaper". The parent prepares in advance several newspapers of various directions (political, entertainment, economic, financial and children's). He cuts out the titles of these articles, preferably 50-60 of them, and puts them on the table. The child's task is to find the headings between which the connection can be traced, and from them make up a small story article. Very comical stories are often produced that amuse both the child and the parents.

Educational computer games for 7 years old children

Educational games are a great way to learn and acquire new skills and knowledge. For children 7 years old, educational computer games help develop important skills for school, including cognitive skills such as memory, hand-eye coordination, logical and critical thinking. For example, learning simple math games allow seven-year-olds to practice their basic math skills. Players become familiar with actions such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, and learn to quickly perform these actions.

Educational games for children of 7 years old are of different directions: mathematical, linguistic, adventure, logical or didactic. Such games will be interesting not only for seven-year-old children, but also for their parents, which will allow the whole family to have fun.

For children 7 years old, children's educational games can be purchased on CDs or played in free online versions. These online games are thought out to the smallest detail by specialists and allow parents to develop their child without the constant costs of licensed games.

Educational computer games for 7-year-old girls and boys
Educational computer games for 7-year-old girls and boys

At the age of 7 years, the child begins to understand and realize that any of his actions leads to certain consequences, which can be both positive and negative. This understanding can be developed using various puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, applications in which the child needs to make words from letters, or from the provided mathematical actions to solve an example or problem. Each children's educational game for 7 years is well illustrated, develops the attention, memory and imagination of the child.

Simple and easy puzzles and tasks for adults affect the development of a child's intellect, he better understands the sequence and consistency of his decisions, which lead to a positive result and victory in the game.

Educational games related to numbers and letters help the child quickly focus on words and examples, which increases the speed of reading and solving math examples and problems.

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