Actinomycosis - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

Actinomycosis - Dictionary Of Medical Terms
Actinomycosis - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

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Actinomycosis [actinomycosis; actino (mycetes) + Greek. myketos, mykes - mushroom + -oz Greek. word images. suffix -ōsis - non-inflammatory diseases; synonym: radiation fungal disease] - a chronic infectious disease of humans and animals, caused by actinomycetes. It is characterized by granulomatous lesions of organs and tissues with the development of dense infiltrates and the formation of fistulas, abscesses and scars.

Allocate actinomycosis:

  • Abdominal (actinomycosis abdominalis) - clinical form; characterized by damage to the tissues of the abdominal wall, pelvic organs and abdominal cavity (more often the cecum);
  • Skin (actinomycosis cutis) - clinical form; characterized by skin lesions. With the primary - it develops due to the penetration of actinomycetes from the outside, with the secondary (more often) - due to the spread of pathogens from the internal organs;
  • Skin atheromatous (actinomycosis cutis atheromatosa) - one of the forms in which the resulting infiltrates in the early stages of their development resemble true atheromas; more common in children;
  • Skin tubercular-pustular (actinomycosis cutis tuberculopustulosa) - is characterized by the appearance of tubercles in the thickness of the skin, which turn into deep pustules, with the formation of further fistulas;
  • Skin gummy-nodular (actinomycosis cutis gummosonodosa) - characterized by the appearance of dense knots. In the future, they soften, open and form purulent fistulas;
  • Ulcerative skin (actinomycosis cutis ulcerosa) - characterized by the formation of ulcers at the site of festering infiltrates. As a rule, it develops in debilitated patients;
  • Lungs (actinomycosis pulmonum) is a form of thoracic actinomycosis, characterized by the development of infiltrates in the lung tissues, which, as a rule, undergo suppuration and decay with subsequent formation of fistulas;
  • Genitourinary (actinomycosis urogenitalis) - one of the clinical forms, characterized by damage to the genitourinary apparatus;
  • Thoracic (actinomycosis thoracalis) - one of the clinical forms, characterized by damage to the tissues of the chest, as well as the organs of the chest cavity;
  • Cervico-maxillofacial (actinomycosis cervicognathofacialis) is one of the clinical forms, characterized by the development of infiltrates in the face and neck.

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