Cyst Of The Corpus Luteum Of The Ovary During Pregnancy: Symptoms, Danger In The Early Stages

Cyst Of The Corpus Luteum Of The Ovary During Pregnancy: Symptoms, Danger In The Early Stages
Cyst Of The Corpus Luteum Of The Ovary During Pregnancy: Symptoms, Danger In The Early Stages

Cyst of the corpus luteum of the ovary during pregnancy

The content of the article:

  1. Formation mechanism
  2. Symptoms
  3. Danger in the early stages
  4. Reasons for the formation
  5. Video

During pregnancy, a corpus luteum cyst is a functioning formation that occurs at the site of a non-regressed corpus luteum. A benign neoplasm tends to disappear on its own in the early stages of pregnancy (first trimester). It is not a dangerous condition and, as a rule, goes away on its own and without complications.

Most patients (up to 80-90%) have no symptoms. It is found as an accidental finding on ultrasound.

A corpus luteum cyst in pregnant women is usually detected during a planned ultrasound scan and does not pose any serious danger
A corpus luteum cyst in pregnant women is usually detected during a planned ultrasound scan and does not pose any serious danger

A corpus luteum cyst in pregnant women is usually detected during a planned ultrasound scan and does not pose any serious danger

Formation mechanism

In early pregnancy, the cyst of the corpus luteum of the ovary is considered as one of the possible options for the norm. The reason for this attitude is that the corpus luteum forms after ovulation and produces the hormone progesterone, which ensures the implantation of a fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus. In the early stages of gestation, it is a hormonal regulator of the normal course of pregnancy (it is responsible for preventing miscarriage), it functions up to 10-12 weeks. That is, in the early period, its detection is not a reason for immediate surgery. On the contrary, in the absence of a corpus luteum, there is a high risk of termination of pregnancy and a specialist consultation is indicated.

As the corpus luteum regresses, liquid can accumulate in its cavity, in fact, this is how a cyst is formed.

The cyst of the corpus luteum of the right ovary occurs, according to statistics, less often than the left (1: 2). The reason for this phenomenon is unclear.


The clinical picture has the following symptoms:

  1. Drawing pains in the lower abdomen. A rare symptom associated with irritation of the nerve endings in the abdominal cavity. Acute pain occurs in less than 1% of patients in the event of tumor rupture or torsion (delimited peritonitis occurs). Pains are localized asymmetrically, more often in the left groin area.
  2. Bloody issues. It is extremely rare, after a while, bleeding may develop. This symptom occurs with a large number of gynecological pathologies and requires immediate medical advice.
  3. General malaise (nausea, vomiting, rise in body temperature). This symptom complex occurs more often with the development of complications.
  4. Non-specific symptoms: increased fatigue, breast sensitivity. They are not included in the diagnosis.

Danger in the early stages

Formed cystic formation has no more than 2-3% of the likelihood of complications. They can be represented by the following states:

Complication Description
Hemorrhage into the cyst cavity It occurs only if the vessels pass in the immediate vicinity of the tumor (anatomical features of the location). The hemorrhage itself cannot be treated and has an asymptomatic course - the clinical picture is not formed, it is confirmed only by ultrasound data.
Rupture of cysts with the release of contents into the abdominal cavity and pelvic cavity

Observed, for example, with blunt abdominal trauma. In this case, the woman may not feel the change in the state immediately, which is explained by the small size of the cysts. The manifestations of peritonitis begin gradually with all the classically symptoms (severe diffuse abdominal pain, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, one or two times, positive peritoneal symptoms). This condition requires hospitalization and surgery. Diagnostic laparoscopy is immediately performed for differential diagnosis with other conditions, which are also given by an acute abdomen clinic.

Ovarian torsion (ovarian apoplexy) An extremely serious condition, often mimics appendicitis. In this case, the entire ovary is affected, and not a separate anatomical structure in it (i.e., not only the corpus luteum). Pathology develops in a short time, from the rupture itself to a vivid clinical picture, it takes about 6-10 hours. Requires immediate surgical treatment. All the symptoms of an acute abdomen are present.
Accession of a secondary infection An extremely rare complication. Leads to the transition of aseptic inflammation into the development of a delimited purulent focus (abscess). In the early stages, it has no clinical manifestations. As the size progresses and increases, ruptures may occur with the release of purulent contents into the surrounding tissues.

Complications occur in very rare cases, for this reason, an incorrect diagnosis is made in the early stages.

Reasons for the formation

The corpus luteum is formed in the ovaries under the action of the pituitary hormone - luteinizing (luteal) hormone, is a temporary secretion gland that is formed anew in each menstrual cycle, this is a regular monthly process. At some stage - it is not possible to establish for sure - the corpus luteum begins to fill with serous fluid.

Reasons for development:

  • frequent cases of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system;
  • a history of abortion;
  • hormonal disorders, in particular, fluctuations in the level of sex hormones;
  • frequent stress, overwork;
  • excess / lack of weight;
  • improperly selected contraceptives (as a rule, when using for the first time or when using a self-selected oral contraceptive).
In the early period, the corpus luteum ensures the normal process of gestation
In the early period, the corpus luteum ensures the normal process of gestation

In the early period, the corpus luteum ensures the normal process of gestation

The exact etiology of this condition has not been identified. The formation of cystic formation is based on impaired blood circulation and lymph circulation, which leads to the accumulation of aseptic fluid.

Features of the neoplasm:

  • the size ranges from 1 to 6 cm (normally the size of the corpus luteum does not exceed 2 cm);
  • the cavity of the tumor-like formation is single, without signs of multi-chamber (differential sign);
  • according to the outcome of the independent resorption of the corpus luteum, a white body is formed (a residual sign that has no activity in the woman's body);
  • lipochromic pigment located in the gland cavity has a yellowish color.

A cyst detected during a routine examination of a pregnant woman does not pose a danger to the body. Requires only routine observation for 1-2 months.


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Anna Kozlova
Anna Kozlova

Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author

Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".

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