The Benefits Of Meat For The Body

The Benefits Of Meat For The Body
The Benefits Of Meat For The Body

The benefits of meat for the body

The benefits of meat for the body
The benefits of meat for the body

There is a constant debate about whether meat is harmful or useful for the human body. Proponents of vegetarianism and adherents of juicy chops have not been able to come to an agreement for more than one hundred years, and interestingly, both sides have facts to prove their case. If we talk about the medical point of view on the question, then the benefits of meat in the human diet are beyond doubt, but, as is often the case in medicine, the medicine from the poison differs only in dosage - meat as well.

The human body needs animal protein, and there is no getting away from it. Vegans claim that the entire spectrum of amino acids you need can be obtained from plant protein. This is not entirely true. There are plants that really contain a large amount of protein, such as nuts, legumes, but essential amino acids are contained there in very small quantities, so small that it is impossible to cover the body's need for them by eating these plants, even if you eat only them. Essential amino acids are named so because they are not synthesized in the body, but are necessary for normal life. They are present in large quantities in animal products: meat, liver, eggs, which is why the benefits of meat are so obvious to everyone who has studied the physiology and biochemistry of the body.

However, it is also true that the abuse of meat and products from it has a detrimental effect on the body. Animal fat, which is found in abundance in especially popular meats, contains cholesterol, and in its dangerous form. Meat is quite difficult to digest, and its abundance impairs the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which inevitably eventually leads to dysbiosis with a predominance of putrefactive microflora. In turn, this lowers immunity and opens the door to a variety of diseases. It has been reliably established that a diet rich in fatty and meaty foods contributes to the formation of colon cancer and prostate cancer. Isn't that so, after listing all this, the benefits of meat no longer seem so certain?

Nevertheless, all extremes are bad for the body. There are studies of physiologists, according to which the need for animal protein is highest during the period of rapid growth of the body, in childhood and adolescence. Over time, this need decreases, although the benefits of meat are also for the elderly. However, in order to fully cover the need for animal protein, a person aged 40 needs to eat one portion of boiled lean meat weighing 150 g twice a week.

For people who do not want to eat meat products for ethical reasons, despite the benefits of meat, there is a way out - replacing meat with dairy products and eggs. A sufficient amount of milk and egg protein is quite capable of providing the body with essential amino acids in the right amount.

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