Chiromassage Of Face And Body - Reviews, Benefits

Chiromassage Of Face And Body - Reviews, Benefits
Chiromassage Of Face And Body - Reviews, Benefits


Face chiromassage session
Face chiromassage session

Chiromassage is a massage technique that consists of various techniques of European and Eastern techniques.

Procedure history

For the first time, chiromassage was developed by the Spanish doctor Fernandez, and in the period from 1913 to 1919, Dr. Kellogg and Mezger were engaged in the study and development of this massage technique. In the future, the technique included massage techniques of the osteopath Palmer.

In the middle of the 20th century, a large school of chiromassage began to exist in Spain with a clearly developed system of healing the body.

In the 1980s. in Europe, chiromassage gained wide popularity and professional development, as a result of which massage centers were opened in many countries.

At the end of the 20th century, the largest school INTEMA was created in Spain, and then the International Institute of Manual Therapy.

Features and benefits of chiromassage

Chiromassage has a therapeutic effect on the nervous, musculoskeletal, muscular and vascular systems. The techniques of this massage can be therapeutic, prophylactic, restorative, sports and aesthetic. One of the main objectives of this technique is to achieve beauty, flexibility and elasticity of the body.

Chiromassage has good reviews as a procedure not only for physical, but also for emotional recovery of the body.

Thanks to the body chiromassage procedures carried out in medical clinics, cosmetic and SPA salons, muscle tone improves, blood pressure stabilizes and muscle fatigue is relieved. Chiromassage of the body is carried out in several stages with the use of myo-intensive technique of influencing the muscles and joints, which relieves tension, spasms and restores muscles after injuries and sprains. At the preparatory stage, the masseur relaxes the muscles, and then conducts an intensive block of massage techniques, and finally painlessly affects the joints.

Body chiromassage session
Body chiromassage session

In the process of chiromassage, a neurosedative technique can be used to relieve the symptoms of insomnia, chronic fatigue and stress. After therapeutic and prophylactic effects on the nervous system, patients improve the condition of the cardiovascular system, digestive organs, nervous system and skin.

This type of massage is effective in treating osteochondrosis, scoliosis, muscle atony, fibrosis, arthritis and edema. The technique is based on rhythmic, continuous and deep effects on muscles and joints.

Chiromassage has positive reviews as a cosmetic procedure aimed at treating cellulite, overweight and muscle hypertonicity.

Regular chiromassage of the face allows you to prevent the appearance of wrinkles, correct the oval of the face, improve the condition of the skin, relieve swelling and redness.

Modern methods of this massage completely replace the hardware technology of myostimulation.

When carrying out chiromassage of the face, there is a point effect on the capillaries, muscles and blood vessels. The masseur conducts blocks of undulating and pulsating movements using the fingertips. This technique is a passive gymnastics for muscles, as a result of which regeneration processes are stimulated, the skin acquires a toned appearance, wrinkles and irregularities are eliminated.

Contraindications to chiromassage

Contraindications to chiromassage are open wounds on the skin, ulcers and burns, severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, cancer, fractures and violations of the integrity of the musculoskeletal system, hypertension, hernia, exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system, pregnancy and lactation.

With care, chiromassage is prescribed for hepatic and renal failure, in childhood, thrombophlebitis, peptic ulcer and varicose veins.

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