Greens: Composition And Benefits For The Body

Greens: Composition And Benefits For The Body
Greens: Composition And Benefits For The Body

Greens: composition and benefits for the body

The composition and benefits of greens for the body
The composition and benefits of greens for the body

Fresh herbs in the kitchen are simply irreplaceable. What can compare to the aroma of fresh dill or parsley? It can be added to almost any dish. Greens will not only not spoil them, but will make them much tastier. And how much more beautiful the dishes are decorated with fresh herbs! I just want to eat them.

In addition, it turns out that greens contain many useful elements that are extremely necessary for our body. Moreover, even more than in some other useful products.


In parsley, for example, the content of ascorbic acid is four times higher than in lemon, which is considered to be one of the richest sources of ascorbic acid. In addition to vitamin C, parsley contains beta-carotene, B vitamins, vitamins A and E, fluorine, selenium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and calcium. In addition, parsley is rich in glycosides, terpenes, flavonoids and inulin - a unique natural polysaccharide that reduces the risk of developing cancer and many other diseases.

Regular consumption of parsley relieves swelling, normalizes blood sugar, improves vision, lowers blood pressure. For men, parsley is especially useful, since since ancient times it has been valued as an effective aphrodisiac.

In addition to its many useful qualities, parsley also has disadvantages. So, for example, it is not recommended to eat a lot of it with urolithiasis and pregnancy. Excessive use of it can cause termination of pregnancy.


Dill contains the same minerals and vitamins as parsley. Plus, dill contains vitamin P, which is necessary for capillaries and blood vessels, as it makes their walls elastic and strong, and reduces their permeability.

Dill removes toxins from the body, improves digestion, produces a diuretic effect, relieves flatulence (a painful problem with bowel function, which causes a lot of trouble for adults and children), and normalizes blood pressure.

In folk medicine, dill has long been used as a mild hypnotic, for diseases of the biliary tract and liver, headache, heart failure, to eliminate bad breath, to relieve hangover syndrome. Dill is believed to help improve breast milk production in a nursing mother. For conjunctivitis, dill is also used - they make lotions and wash the eyes with a decoction of the plant.

Contraindications for this wonderful herb are almost the same as for parsley. It is also not recommended to eat dill under reduced pressure. And with excessive use of dill, you can provoke a breakdown and deterioration of vision.


Cilantro is called Chinese parsley, although this herb comes from North Africa and Western Asia. Cilantro is very popular in the Caucasus and Central Asia - there almost no dish can do without this fragrant greenery.

Cilantro essential oil, seeds and herbs contain many active and nutritious elements. Cilantro contains especially many vitamins P, C, group B and carotene.

Regular use of cilantro helps to improve the functioning of the heart and the state of blood vessels, relieves pain in ulcers and gastritis, normalizes digestion, and helps the absorption of heavy foods. In addition, cilantro has a diuretic, choleretic and antiseptic effect, soothes and relieves nervous irritability.

However, it is not worth overusing cilantro. In excessive quantities, it disrupts sleep, causes memory problems, and in women it can disrupt the monthly cycle. With extreme caution, you should use cilantro for cholecystitis.


All American children know the hero of the cartoon Popeye, distinguished by extraordinary strength. He can easily lift an elephant or a plane by eating a can of canned spinach before.

Spinach can be called the champion in terms of minerals and vitamins. Eating spinach has many positive aspects: it strengthens the immune system, makes the skin, hair and nails healthy and beautiful, strengthens eyesight, supports the work of muscle fibers and bone structure, normalizes blood sugar levels, and improves the work of the heart muscle. Due to the large amount of vegetable carbohydrates contained in spinach, it relieves fatigue, improves mood, relieves the effects of stress, calms the nervous system.

However, excessive consumption of spinach contributes to the formation of kidney stones, as it contains a lot of oxalic acid. Do not overuse spinach for gout, rheumatism, kidney and urinary tract diseases.


Green cabbage soup with sorrel is popular in our country, and for good reason. Sorrel contains many useful substances: B vitamins, which are responsible for good mood, relieve depression and insomnia, as well as flavonoids, carotene, vitamins C and A, organic acids, iron and fluoride. Its use strengthens vision and immunity, improves the condition of the skin and teeth, blood vessels, and normalizes the functioning of the nervous system. Sorrel is very useful for certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and anemia.

However, sorrel contains a lot of oxalic acid, which should be used with caution by people with kidney disease.


Among all the garden greenery, celery can be given a special place. There are about 20 types of cultivated celery known in the world and they are all very useful.

Celery - no calorie greens
Celery - no calorie greens

There are practically no calories in celery stalks, which is why it is also called a negative calorie product. Our body spends a lot of energy to digest fresh celery, so everyone who wants to lose weight should include this herb in their diet.

Celery leaves contain a lot of ascorbic acid, phosphorus and calcium salts, carotene, essential oils. For a long time in folk medicine, celery has been used as a wound healing, anti-inflammatory and soothing agent. Apart from this, celery is considered a powerful sexual stimulant.

Celery juice contains a lot of magnesium, which helps to cope with depression. It is known that a depressive state can often be explained by the lack of this element.

Celery leaves and stems contain fiber, so its use eliminates spasms in the intestines and stomach, constipation, flatulence, promotes better absorption and digestion of food and cleanses the gastrointestinal tract.

With colitis, gastritis and peptic ulcer, it is useful to take an infusion of celery roots, and to remove excess fluid from the body, take an infusion of greens. Topical celery is used to treat bruises, wounds and cuts.

Unfortunately, celery has many contraindications along with its many beneficial properties. For example, it should not be used by pregnant women, as it can provoke a miscarriage. Celery is also bad for lactation. You can not use celery for kidney stones, as the stones can begin to move, with a stomach ulcer, as it can cause an aggravation, and with epilepsy, as it can provoke an attack.

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