Calorie shish kebab

One of the most common dishes, which takes center stage on the festive table, is barbecue. Its various variants are found in Armenia (khorovat), Azerbaijan (kebab) and Turkey (shish-kebab). Translated from the Turkic language, the word shashlik means "food fried on a spit".
Consider several options for cooking barbecue, as well as how many calories are in the barbecue.
Calorie lamb shish kebab
Despite the rather high calorie content of lamb shashlik, as well as its specific taste and aroma, this dish is hotly loved in all the courtyards of the Caucasian people.
Lamb is a healthy food because it contains fluoride, which strengthens tooth enamel, and lecithin, which stimulates good brain function and insulin release. It should be remembered that lamb takes a long time to digest and brings a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Therefore, people suffering from pain in the gastrointestinal tract should limit the use of this food.
To make the lamb meat softer, it is recommended to marinate it in wine, apple or grape vinegar, kefir, yogurt, lemon or pomegranate juice.
Eggplant will help a little to reduce the calorie content of the kebab, which must be cooked on the same skewer with meat, alternating both of these products. When wondering how many calories are in a kebab, you need to pay attention to which part of the animal it was cooked from. The number of calories in a shashlik (100 g) from a lamb shoulder - 280 kcal, from a leg - 320 kcal.
Calories in Pork Kebab
It is difficult to find a person who would dispute the fact that pork kebab is the most tender, delicious and juicy of all. And this is not surprising. Despite the calories in pork kebab, it is quite easy to digest and has excellent taste. In order not to gain a lot of extra pounds after you have dined on barbecue, you should first marinate it in lemon juice. It is such a marinade that will promote excellent metabolic processes in the body, and also will not allow fat to be deposited in the body in large quantities. Often, pieces of pork are alternated with slices of bacon. It contains arachidonic acid, which takes part in the production of female and male sex hormones. In addition, you will never find radionuclides in fat, which makes it absolutely safe even for a child's body.
An excellent marinade for pork kebabs is a simple combination of lemon juice and mustard, which must be supplemented with large rings of onions. Berries of cranberries or black currants will help to make such a kebab more piquant.
The number of calories in pork kebab is as follows: from the neck - 340 kcal, from the ribs - 320 kcal, from the ham - 280 kcal. Thanks to such calculations, eating 100 g of pork kebab, you will always know how many calories are in the kebab.
Calorie content of beef kebab
Beef kebabs are very rarely made, because in the end it turns out to be rather dry and harsh. If you nevertheless decide to cook a dish on a spit, it is better to take young veal for this. It is the young varieties of this meat that will have a pleasant taste, delicate structure, and will also combine many vitamins: A, PP, B vitamins and proteins. It should also not be forgotten that when purchasing cow meat, the calorie content of a barbecue will not be less from this, but at the same time you will cause oxidation processes in the body and provoke premature aging processes.
As for the beef kebab marinade, it is completely the same as the pork kebab marinade.
The calorie content of beef shashlik (100 g) is 250 kcal.
Calorie chicken kebab
Turkey and chicken meat is considered quite dietary and a little dry, which affects the calorie content of chicken and turkey kebabs. Chicken is healthy meat. It is rich in vitamin B6 and glutamine, which normalizes the functioning of the nervous and immune systems. Turkey contains phosphorus, as well as a substance that affects the production of the sleep hormone (melatonin).
Balsamic vinegar will help you to properly marinate turkey meat for barbecue. In this case, do not forget that it is strictly forbidden to add salt to the marinade.
The calorie content of chicken kebab and turkey is very low. 100 g of ready-made chicken breast dish - 120 kcal, chicken legs - 160 kcal, wings - 180 kcal. The calorie content of a turkey barbecue (breast) will be 150 kcal.
Calorie rabbit kebab
Rabbit meat is slightly similar in taste to chicken. The meat of this animal is dietary and healthy, since it is easily absorbed by the body, completely digestible, does not contain a lot of fats and sodium salts. At the same time, it contains many vitamins and microelements necessary for the human body. Therefore, without rabbit meat, it is impossible to imagine dietary nutrition, as well as nutrition for small children.
You can marinate rabbit meat in any wine or juice, while adding your favorite herbs and spices.
The calorie content of rabbit kebab (100 g) is 150 kcal.
Calorie content of chicken liver shish kebab
Asking yourself the question of how many calories are in a kebab, one should not forget that it should not only be tasty, but also healthy. So, 150 g of chicken liver contains the daily rate of iron (the same amount can be found in 100 g of beef liver), which is absorbed much better and easier than from other food products.
The liver contains a very important component - heparin, which normalizes the work of the heart muscle, prevents blood clots, and also prevents the onset of baldness.
Kefir, milk, yogurt, sour cream will help to make liver shashlik really tasty and no less useful. In addition to the resulting marinade, a few drops of lemon or pomegranate juice are perfect.

Despite the calorie content of liver shashlik, many people do not like to cook it because of its characteristic taste. In this case, special herbs and spices (cilantro, basil) will help to get rid of it. To make the liver shashlik even more piquant, string a piece of bacon, liver and apple on the skewer. Then repeat the resulting combination of ingredients.
The calorie content of chicken liver shashlik is 150 kcal, from beef - 190 kcal.
How to reduce the harm from barbecue
When cooking meat on charcoal, fat is fried from it, which eventually flows down to the heat. Under the influence of high temperature, carcinogens are formed that settle on the kebab. In the fried crust, harmful substances also appear that can lead to serious consequences (even cancer).
To reduce the amount of harmful substances in the kebab, you need to prepare the right marinade. It should consist primarily of acidic components, turmeric, ginger and galangal.
If you do not want to lead to an aggravation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, before eating fried meat, cut off excess fat and too brown crust from it.
Meat for kebabs must undergo appropriate control to exclude the presence of harmful parasites and microorganisms in it.
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