Calorie cream
Cream is a favorite dairy product made from whole milk. Cream is high in fat and calories. We can buy natural pasteurized cream of different composition in stores. If the fat content in them is 8-20%, then this cream is considered ordinary, and if it is higher, it is fat.

How many calories are in cream depends on the percentage of milk fat in them. You can also buy canned or dry natural cream. To cook them for food, you will have to add some liquid. In addition to fat, natural cream contains milk protein (about 3.5%), lactose (about 4.5%), mineral salts, vitamins of different groups. Due to its high nutritional value, cream is used in medical nutrition.
This product is widely used in cooking. Heavy cream is whipped into a stable foam and added to sweet dishes and pastries. Cream is used to make sour cream, butter. In recent years, substitutes for natural cream - "vegetable cream" have been used very often in the food industry. This product is made from coconut, palm, palm kernel vegetable oils. This raw material has a very high energy value.
Because of this, the calorie content of vegetable raw cream is very high. The composition of a vegetable substitute for natural cream always contains acidity regulators, stabilizers, emulsifiers, dyes and flavorings. Of course, such a product is significantly inferior to natural cream in terms of nutritional value. But it obviously wins in price. Both vegetable and natural creams taste good.
Many people love this product and, faced with the need to adhere to a low-calorie diet, do not know whether to completely abandon cream. After all, coffee with cream, desserts from berries and fruits with creamy sauce can make the menu of a losing weight person very tempting. Are there a lot of calories in cream? How energetic are cream dishes?
Calorie content of different types of cream from whole milk
First, let's look at the calorie content of cream made from whole milk only. The calorie content of 10% fat cream is 118 kilocalories per 100 grams. A 100-gram portion of this product contains 10 grams of milk fat, 3 grams of proteins, 4 grams of carbohydrates. A small amount of such cream can be included in the diet of overweight people. But only on condition that the total calorie content of the menu per day does not exceed the target values.
The best use for this product can be considered to be consumed with fresh fruits and berries. Prepare the following dessert: 150 grams of fresh berries (raspberries), mint leaf, 50 grams of cream, 10% fat. There will be only 59 calories in cream in such a portion. The total energy value of the dish will be 122 kilocalories. Berries can also be taken frozen. They will not need to be defrosted. Just whisk with a blender and top with cream. The calorie content of rarely used 15% cream is 160 kilocalories.
The calorie content of 20% cream is 206 kilocalories per 100 grams. 100 grams of this cream contains 20 grams of fat, 2 grams of protein and 3 grams of milk carbohydrates. After cooling, such cream whips very easily into a thick foam and has a pleasant rich taste. They are used in medical nutrition for seriously ill and wounded. But this product is not suitable for those who are trying to lose weight or are simply monitoring their weight. Even in small quantities, such cream can cause significant harm to the figure.
Caloric content of cream 35% fat - 340 kilocalories per 100 grams. One serving (100 grams) contains 35 grams of fat, 3 grams of milk sugar (lactose) and 2 grams of protein. Such cream can be whipped into a foam with a simple broom, even without refrigeration. Of course, by adding such a product to the menu, you run the risk of gaining weight. For those who are obese or overweight, such a product is categorically contraindicated. Caloric content of dry cream is especially high.
Standard dry cream contains 42% fat. They are made from normalized cream and dried in spray dryers. Their calorie content is 579 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. They can be stored even without a refrigerator. This cream can be used in industry and at home. But there are too many calories in this kind of cream, so they are excluded from the menu of obese people.
Caloric content of cream from vegetable fats

Vegetable oil has more calories than milk fat. Because of this, the calorie content of vegetable cream is also very high. However, the fat content of vegetable cream may be lower than that of natural cream. The lowest fat percentage for a product in this category is 4.
How many calories are in herbal cream? The most widely used dry cream is (for example, in 3-in-1 coffee). Their calorie content is 543 kilocalories per 100 grams, and their fat content is 35%. You can also find soy cream 29% fat. Calories in this type of cream are 510 per 100 grams. Low-calorie dry vegetable cream contains 4% fat content of 75 kilocalories per 100 grams. If you can get such a product, then feel free to use it for making coffee or desserts.
Calorie content of some dishes with cream
The creamy sauce is loved by culinary experts. Natural cream, butter and wheat flour are used for its production. This dressing gives the dishes a spicy, rich, soft taste. This sauce is indispensable for a number of fish, vegetable and meat dishes.
The calorie content of the cream sauce is 468 kilocalories per 100 grams. It contains 52% fat. Such sauce, of course, will have to be removed from the diet during the diet due to excess body weight or high cholesterol. The calorie content of cream sauce when using low-fat cream is slightly lower. It can be about 400 kilocalories. But even in this case, such a product remains high in calories.
Cottage cheese with cream is also a very popular dish. If you take low-fat cottage cheese and 10% cream, then the calorie content of the dish will be 120 kilocalories per 100 grams, which is quite acceptable for a losing weight person. Beloved in our country, coffee with cream and sugar has a calorie content of 25 kilocalories per 100 grams of the finished drink.
So, cream is a valuable product with high nutritional value. The calorie content of any kind of cream is very high. Therefore, they have to be almost completely excluded from the diet with excess body weight. Also, this product is contraindicated in case of high blood cholesterol levels. The least dangerous for the figure is to use cream with a fat content of 10% or less. Dishes with such cream can be quite acceptable in small quantities in the diet of those who follow the figure.
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