12 Most Dangerous Ways To Lose Weight

12 Most Dangerous Ways To Lose Weight
12 Most Dangerous Ways To Lose Weight

12 most dangerous ways to lose weight

From 80 to 95% of the fair sex at least once in their life, but think about the fact that they need to lose weight. Many women are so obsessed with this idea that they are constantly trying more and more new ways to lose weight. A significant part of these techniques are ineffective, and some are generally unsafe for health.

We will discuss the most risky ways to lose weight later in the article.

Dangerous ways to lose weight
Dangerous ways to lose weight

Source: depositphotos.com

Greenhouse clothing

Lingerie that creates a "sauna effect" is very popular today. It is believed to help get rid of subcutaneous fat deposits in problem areas. In fact, the effect of wearing this kind of shorts or leggings is not that great. Using them, you can really lose weight - but if a woman adheres to a special diet and is actively involved in sports.

It is inconvenient to wear underwear for weight loss: it not only makes you sweat, but also hinders movement. Many people complain of skin irritation, the appearance of rashes on it. This happens even if you put on cotton underwear under the "miracle pants".

It is dangerous to wear clothing with a greenhouse effect for certain health problems. People suffering from diseases of the heart and blood vessels, blood and metabolism, hypertension, varicose veins, and pathologies of the reproductive sphere are especially at risk. Note that these ailments are often observed in people with increased body weight. Therefore, you can use clothes for weight loss only after consulting your doctor.

Electrical myostimulators

Muscle electrical stimulation is a physiotherapeutic procedure, it is successfully used in medicine. By activating blood circulation, in some diseases, it helps to avoid the development of congestion, to maintain muscle tone.

It is useless to use electrical muscle stimulators for weight loss: they have no effect on fatty tissue and do not contribute to the loss of extra pounds. Moreover, an inexperienced user of such devices can get burned or electric shock.

Fasting (prana food)

It seems absurd, but the adherents of the so-called prana nutrition generally refuse food. They believe that by feeding on the "pure energy" of the sun or simply air, they can achieve complete harmony with nature, spiritual enlightenment, healing and rejuvenation of the body.

Needless to say, their attempts end in disappointment at best, and much sadder at worst? Four to five weeks of this practice lead to irreversible changes in the body, to disability, and sometimes even death.

"Freezing" the stomach

There is an opinion that it is possible, by drinking a glass of ice water before and after a meal, to avoid the harmful consequences for the figure of the absorption of excessively high-calorie foods. This statement is not proven by anything, but it is obvious that this method of losing weight, if practiced regularly, will quickly provide pancreatitis. Tonsillitis, sinusitis and otitis media are also not excluded.

Eating parasites

Some women are ready to do anything for a beautiful figure. There is a method of losing weight based on the introduction of intestinal parasites into the human digestive system: a capsule containing a worm embryo is swallowed, and when it takes root and relieves its wearer of excess weight, they take a drug that destroys the parasite.

It is possible that after such a procedure, the weight actually decreases. However, this method of losing weight cannot be called safe: intestinal parasites not only absorb the food eaten by a human carrier, but also poison his body with the products of their vital activity.

Bariatric surgery

Stomach reduction surgery is not very difficult, but doctors do not recommend it for weight loss. The fact is that complications are not uncommon after the intervention, and the effect may be either not particularly noticeable or excessive. A person whose stomach volume is reduced by surgery is not able to absorb large amounts of food, but if he continues to eat high-calorie foods and lead a sedentary lifestyle, adaptation may occur, the weight will cease to decrease. Sometimes the weight of the operated patient decreases so rapidly that after a few months literally exhaustion sets in, and the skin stretched out with fat and not having time to adapt sags in ugly folds.

Taking diuretics and laxatives

Diuretics remove fluid from the body, of course, while reducing weight. However, this effect is temporary. With improper nutrition and metabolic malfunctions, the process of forming fat reserves continues. Regular use of diuretic drugs can lead to a violation of the water-salt balance, kidney function, and other serious consequences of dehydration.

Attempts to reduce body weight with laxatives are no less dangerous. This method is fraught with the development of intestinal dysfunction.

Forced stomach cleansing

Another dangerous way to deal with excess weight is forced stomach cleansing. It is very popular among young girls who strive to preserve the figure of model parameters at any cost.

People who use this method induce vomiting after eating either mechanically or with appropriate drugs. As a result, food is not absorbed, the body is deprived of incoming nutrients. Over time, the stomach gets used to reject food, but since you still want to eat, a person develops a special condition - bulimia. It is characterized by alternation of periods of uncontrolled gluttony with bouts of spontaneous vomiting.

In people suffering from bulimia, the metabolism is completely disturbed. To restore it and return to a normal diet requires long-term treatment, which, unfortunately, is not always successful.

Switching to synthetic sugar substitutes

The reason for the increase in body weight is usually the consumption of the so-called fast carbohydrates. The desire to lose weight leads some women to the idea of using artificial substitutes for sugar instead of sugar, originally intended for the nutrition of patients with diabetes.

This method does not give a significant effect, but considerable harm is possible. Certain sugar substitutes have very unpleasant side effects. For example, it has been proven that a substance like aspartame can cause impairment of vision, memory, and even strokes. There is evidence that some of the sugar substitutes have oncogenic activity.

No less dangerous is the use of medicines for the treatment of diabetes. All drugs of this kind affect the production of insulin and the absorption of glucose by cells. When prescribing these drugs for diabetics, the doctor takes into account the individual characteristics of their metabolism, guided by the results of precise laboratory tests. Self-selection of antidiabetic drugs can lead to severe kidney and liver damage.

Synthetic sugar substitutes: benefits and harms?
Synthetic sugar substitutes: benefits and harms?

Source: depositphotos.com

Tongue mesh

One new means of stimulating a decrease in food intake is a mesh that is surgically implanted into the surface of the tongue. When wearing the device, eating any food brings a feeling of discomfort, and the taste of the food is practically not felt. The net is put on for a month and then removed. It is believed that during this time the patient must lose weight and weaned from consuming large portions of food.

In fact, the positive effect is quite rare. After removing the mesh, patients usually break down, trying to reward themselves with the help of a tasty one for the inconveniences, and quickly gain the lost weight. In addition, the method is fraught with complications caused by an allergy to the material from which the mesh is made. The risk of sepsis is also quite high.

Slimming herbal teas

Most of the herbal teas sold for weight loss are either diuretic or laxative. The herbs that make up them may be contraindicated for a specific person or cause allergic reactions. And here we are talking only about those fees that are officially implemented through pharmacy chains, supplied with instructions for use and a description of all components. As for herbal mixtures sold by hand or over the Internet, their use can very well be life-threatening.

Eating cotton balls

An astonishing way, which, nevertheless, is sometimes practiced: to reduce food intake, cotton balls are swallowed, dipped in juice, smoothies or sweet water. It is obvious that filling the stomach with cotton is a direct route to the surgical table.

A person who is dissatisfied with his figure can correct it. However, you should not go beyond reason. Extreme ways to lose weight are dangerous, and not very effective. The best long-term results come from physical activity combined with a well-organized diet.

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Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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