Calorie Content Of Mayonnaise, Its Beneficial Properties And Harm To The Body

Calorie Content Of Mayonnaise, Its Beneficial Properties And Harm To The Body
Calorie Content Of Mayonnaise, Its Beneficial Properties And Harm To The Body

Calorie content of mayonnaise

How many calories are in mayonnaise with olive and vegetable oil
How many calories are in mayonnaise with olive and vegetable oil

Mayonnaise, like everything ingenious, was born completely by accident. During the war, French chefs had only eggs, lemons and olive oil in their arsenal of food. Having mixed all the ingredients, the cook decided to somehow pamper the soldiers, and as a result, the world famous sauce turned out.

Calorie content of mayonnaise and composition in modern realities

In the classic version of preparation, mayonnaise contains the following ingredients: sunflower oil, egg powder, mustard, citric acid or vinegar. Unfortunately, the modern composition of this sauce is far from ideal, which makes it far from the most useful food product, especially when you consider that mayonnaise contains a lot of calories.

Mayonnaise is currently being prepared on an industrial scale. And every sane person is interested in how many calories are in mayonnaise, because the problem of excess weight is well known to many of our contemporaries.

Natural mayonnaise cannot be stored for long. But packaging with mayonnaise has a rather long shelf life. This can only mean one thing - the presence of preservatives, artificial food additives that do not decompose under the influence of gastric juice. Such preservatives poison the human body at the cellular level.

Chemically produced flavors are added to enhance the taste of the product. They not only enhance the taste of mayonnaise, but also addictive to the product. As a result, when preparing another salad, many of us stop thinking about how many calories there are in mayonnaise, and very quickly begin to gain extra pounds.

Various emulsifiers are used to create a homogeneous mayonnaise consistency. Previously, egg lecithin was used for this purpose, but almost all modern sauces are prepared using a soy emulsifier. In addition, some unscrupulous manufacturers use harmful trans fats instead of vegetable oil to make mayonnaise. They are not digested due to the fact that our enzymes cannot simply break them down. And this leads to the accumulation of toxins and toxins in the body.

Calorie content of mayonnaise: what it is

No sauce can replace the taste of real mayonnaise. The calorie content of light types of mayonnaise is from 150 to 350 kcal per 100.0 grams of product. But basically, the calorie content of mayonnaise averages 600-700 kcal, which is very, very much.

First of all, the calorie content of mayonnaise depends on its fat content. So, for example, with a fat content of 8 to 17%, the calorie content will be about 150 kcal, and with a fat content of 67% - 650 kcal.

Useful properties of mayonnaise

Nutritional value and calorie content of mayonnaise
Nutritional value and calorie content of mayonnaise

If we consider a product prepared on the basis of natural ingredients, without various "chemical" additives, then, despite its high calorie content, mayonnaise from a medical point of view has the following beneficial properties:

  • Promotes the release of a sufficient amount of gastric juice;
  • The presence of vegetable oil is a source of vitamins E, F and beta-carotene, which must be present in the daily diet;
  • Promotes good digestibility of food;
  • The lecithin in the composition normalizes the liver and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • Mayonnaise contains vitamins A, B, PP.

It is not recommended to use mayonnaise in childhood, with allergy problems and people with gastrointestinal diseases.

The calorie content of mayonnaise prepared according to all traditional rules is at least 600 kcal per 100.0 grams. Modern, extra-light mayonnaise contains four times less calories. But, unfortunately, there are more harmful ingredients. Despite the low calorie content of "light" class mayonnaise, it is not recommended to use it during a diet.

Mayonnaise will contain small calories if cooked at home. To do this, you need to use two yolks of hard-boiled eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, basil, black pepper and lemon juice. Of course, it won't be quite traditional mayonnaise. But the resulting sauce tastes good and is healthy.

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