Calorie content of cherries

Dark red or red cherry fruits are an excellent dietary product. The pulp of the fruit contains many useful components. They contain organic acids (salicylic, citric, succinic), trace elements (calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus). These berries contain enzymes, sugars, dyes, tannins and nitrogenous substances, as well as folic acid, anthocyanins and vitamins. This tasty and healthy berry is used in cooking, in the pharmaceutical industry, in cosmetology. Cherry pits contain essential oil, fatty oil and amygdalin glycoside. Due to their low calorie content, cherries are considered an ideal dietary food for weight loss. The substances in the composition of the fruit neutralize fats and prevent their penetration into the blood plasma through the intestinal mucosa.
How many calories are in a cherry?
Those who follow their diet are probably interested in the question of how many calories are in a cherry. The calorie content of cherries is only 52 kcal per 100 grams of berries. Due to their low calorie content, cherries can be safely included in the diet of people who are trying to lose weight.
With a low calorie content, cherries are an excellent body cleaner from toxins, rotting products and toxins. Also, berries cleanse the digestive tract of various decay products. They speed up the digestion process by stimulating the production of gastric juice. Cherry juice inhibits the vital activity of pathogens of pyogenic infections and dysentery, including streptococci and staphylococci.
When low in calories, cherries are excellent thirst quenchers. The fruits have antiseptic, expectorant and laxative properties. Leaves, stalks, seeds and branches of cherries can also be used as medicinal raw materials. For example, a decoction from cherry stalks and an emulsion from their seeds have pronounced diuretic properties. They are used for uric acid diathesis and various joint diseases. All these beneficial properties, against the background of the low calorie content of cherries, speak of its beneficial effects on the human body.
Some doctors use decoctions of these berries in the complex treatment of epilepsy and various mental disorders, due to the low calorie content of cherries and their benefits. The small amount of calories in cherries allows you to use it for stomach ailments.

Cherry does not lose its healing and beneficial properties even after processing. This berry remains the same tasty and healthy dried and fresh frozen. Cherry pulp, mashed with sugar, is very useful. Although this method of processing slightly increases the calorie content of cherries.
Calorie content of dumplings with cherries
To prepare dumplings with cherries, pour 250 ml of cold water into flour (500 g) and knead the dough. Next, you need to transfer the dough to a floured board and roll it into a thin layer. Cut out small circles from the dough. Rinse the cherries, then dry them and pull the seeds out of them. Pour some sugar (a teaspoon) in the middle of each dough circle, put three cherries and pinch the edges. Cook the dumplings in boiling water until tender.
The calorie content of dumplings depends on the set of products from which they are prepared, the method of preparation and the filling. But if we consider that in any case a significant amount of flour is used to make dumplings, then the calorie content of dumplings with cherries will definitely be quite high. And it is customary to serve this dish with sour cream, butter and various sauces. The most high-calorie dumplings are considered to be dumplings with cottage cheese, cherries and sour cream (349 kcal in one medium portion).
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