Calorie content of cherries

Sweet cherry is a fragrant, juicy, sweet berry. Many people love cherries for their pleasant taste, aroma and tempting appearance. The first mentions of this berry were found in the records of historians in the first millennium BC. The city of Kerasund is the birthplace of cherries and cherries. From this city, located in Asia Minor, on the Black Sea coast, cherries were first brought by the Roman commander Lucullus. Later, cherries and cherries began to be grown in Western Europe and Italy. For the first time, the berry was brought to Russia and Ukraine from the Crimea.
There are about four thousand types of sweet cherries known in the world. All cherry varieties are divided into two large groups - Gini and Bigarro. The calorie content of Gini sweet cherries is low, but at the same time they have excellent taste. Bigarro - varieties of late and medium ripening. Bigarro varieties are excellent for freezing and processing. Given the low calorie content of cherries, this berry can be safely included in the diet.
Useful properties, composition and calorie content of cherries
One hundred grams of sweet cherry fruits contains 85 g of proteins, 10 g of fat and 10.5 g of carbohydrates. With a low calorie content, cherries contain significantly more carbohydrates than cherries. In its composition, sweet cherry contains salicylic, malic, folic and citric acids. Ripe berries are rich in carbohydrates that are easily absorbed by the body (fructose and glucose). With a low calorie content, cherries contain a significant amount of potassium (up to 250 mg per 100 g of fruits), iron (up to 2 mg per 100 g of fruits), ascorbic acid (up to 20 mg per 100 g of fruits) and copper. Cherry contains manganese, zinc, boron, iodine, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus. The fruits contain vitamins of group B, as well as vitamins A, PP and E. True, pectin in it is two times less than in plums and apples.
With a low calorie content, sweet cherry increases appetite and has a tonic effect. Since these berries contain iodine, they are useful for thyroid diseases. A decoction of leaves or stalks of sweet cherry is an excellent diuretic used by doctors for kidney disease. The fruits contain a significant amount of coumarins. In terms of their quantity, it is second only to pomegranate, raspberry and currant. That is why cherries can be used by people recovering from illness and weak people. Coumarins help improve mood. Therefore, it is enough to eat about 150 grams of cherries in the morning and the mood will immediately improve.
Considering how many calories are in cherries, this berry is useful for high blood pressure. With a regular daily use of about 200 grams of fruits, you can achieve a persistent decrease in pressure and purification of blood vessels. However, it should be remembered that, despite the low calorie content, cherries contain a significant amount of water and sugars. Therefore, increasing the recommended dosage can lead to an increase in blood pressure. Doctors recommend regularly consuming these fruits for anemia, since with a small amount of calories, cherries have a high nutritional value. The bound water, which the berries are rich in, helps flush toxins from the body.
The berries of pink, red and yellow cherries can be used to make masks for normal to dry skin types. To prepare the mask, the berry must be peeled, mash and rub the cherry juice into the skin. The juice helps to narrow the pores, cleanse them, and also has anti-aging properties. And if you add a teaspoon of melted fat or olive oil to the mask, it will become more nutritious.
The calorie content of cherries is 53 kcal per 100 grams of fresh fruit. Calories in cherries are distributed as follows: 5 kcal are for proteins, 4 kcal for fats, and 44 kcal for carbohydrates. Due to its relatively low calorie content, cherries can undoubtedly be included in the diet of people who follow their figure. The fruits can be eaten in unlimited quantities and at any time of the day, given how many calories are in cherries.
Features of the cherry diet

This berry speeds up metabolic processes in the body. Therefore, with regular use of cherries, a person can lose weight without additional effort.
A cherry diet can consist of one fasting day. With such a diet, you can eat about two kilograms of cherries per day and drink about a liter of low-fat kefir. Sugar-free green tea and still water can be drunk without restrictions.
With a weekly cherry diet for breakfast and afternoon tea, you can only eat these fruits. For lunch and dinner, you can eat fish, steamed meat, steamed chicken, vegetable salads. When dieting on cherries, sugar, sweets, bread, fatty and canned foods should be excluded from the diet.
The cherry diet allows not only to lose weight, but also to improve the condition of the intestines, relieve irritability, stress, swelling, and relieve headaches.
However, it should be borne in mind that the cherry diet is contraindicated in acute gastrointestinal diseases, colitis, hemorrhoids, as well as in case of increased stomach acidity and a predisposition to diarrhea.
Various reviews indicate excellent results from each other after a diet on cherries. Since the calorie content of cherries is low, then in seven days of the cherry diet you can lose up to four kilograms.
Exercise, morning exercises, intense walking, and jogging will help to enhance the effect of the diet.
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