2 Weeks Pregnant - Belly, Fetus, Pain

2 Weeks Pregnant - Belly, Fetus, Pain
2 Weeks Pregnant - Belly, Fetus, Pain

Pregnancy 2 weeks

The 2nd week of pregnancy is characterized by the completion of the maturation of the egg
The 2nd week of pregnancy is characterized by the completion of the maturation of the egg

Most often, when it comes to the gestational age of 2 weeks, a woman means by this a delay of 2 weeks in the next menstruation. In obstetric practice, the gestational age is counted from the first day of the last menstruation. Therefore, when a woman finds out that she will have a baby, the 2nd week of pregnancy is already behind.

What happens in the 2nd week of pregnancy

At this time, the woman's body continues to prepare for future fertilization, which has not actually happened yet. Its appearance and the work of internal organs remain unchanged. Menstrual flow usually ends at 2 weeks gestation.

The ovum is approaching maturation and exit from the ovary into the abdominal cavity, that is, there is still no fetus in the uterus at 2 weeks of gestation. The release of an egg from an ovarian follicle is called ovulation. From the moment ovulation occurs, a woman can become pregnant. Around that period, her libido increases against the background of hormonal changes, and, therefore, the likelihood of pregnancy increases.

Ovulation can be determined by a number of direct or indirect signs:

  • Feels like the woman herself (some feel the immediate moment of the release of the egg);
  • By a change in the nature of the discharge at 2 weeks of pregnancy (the mucus becomes thick and transparent, similar to egg white);
  • According to the indications of a special ovulation test (the most accurate method based on hormonal shifts).

Severe bleeding and pain at the 2nd week of pregnancy is a sign of the disease (endometriosis, ovarian pathology, etc.). This combination of symptoms may be evidence of a failed pregnancy, since according to statistics, more than half of all pathological pregnancies are terminated at such an early period. If you have bleeding and pain at the same time at 2 weeks of pregnancy, you should undergo a full examination, as they can cause disruption of the normal course of pregnancy.

The release of an egg from the ovary can be accompanied by a pulling pain in the abdomen at 2 weeks of gestation. Most often, this pain is short-lived and goes away on its own. If there is any doubt about its origin, it is better to seek advice from a gynecologist.

What the examination will show at the 2nd week of pregnancy

If at this time a woman is preparing to become a mother, then most often she does not know about the onset of a possible 2 weeks of pregnancy. The examination, which is prescribed by the obstetrician-gynecologist, is usually intended to prepare for it.

Ultrasound at 2 weeks gestation will show an enlarged follicle
Ultrasound at 2 weeks gestation will show an enlarged follicle

The pregnancy test will be negative, since the fertilized egg has not yet taken root in the uterine wall, and there is no diagnostically significant concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood.

A blood test for sex hormones can show an increased content of progesterone, also called the pregnancy hormone. It prepares the uterus for the attachment of a fertilized egg and is responsible for maintaining the pregnancy.

When performing an ultrasound scan at 2 weeks of gestation, an enlarged follicle can be found in the ovary in which the egg is maturing. The ovaries are paired female sex glands located in the abdominal cavity. The fetus at 2 weeks of gestation is not visualized in the uterine cavity.

An ultrasound scan at 2 weeks of gestation is usually recommended for those women who have had problems with conception in the past. For example, with polycystic ovary disease, the degree of follicle maturation and readiness for ovulation can be assessed.

Controlling basal body temperature at 2 weeks of gestation usually shows a higher level, about 37 - 37.2 degrees.

The abdominal circumference at 2 weeks gestation is not increased. All the changes characteristic of a pregnant woman's body are yet to come.

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