7 Weeks Pregnant - Fetal Size, Abdomen, Pain

7 Weeks Pregnant - Fetal Size, Abdomen, Pain
7 Weeks Pregnant - Fetal Size, Abdomen, Pain

7 weeks pregnant

Embryo weight at 7 weeks of gestation - about 1 gram
Embryo weight at 7 weeks of gestation - about 1 gram

At the 7th week of pregnancy, the unborn child is already 5 weeks old, since according to the rules of obstetrics, the period is calculated from the first day of the last menstruation.

Fetal changes

At the 7th week of pregnancy, the size of the fetus when measured from the crown to the tailbone is already 11 - 14 mm, and it weighs about 1 g. The head of the embryo is half the body length. Due to the peculiarities of the blood supply, the arms develop faster than the legs, they are bent at the elbows, and the palm is formed. Fingers are clearly visible on the arms and legs. All systems and organs of the embryo continue to develop rapidly.

The most important changes affect the cardiovascular system - the heart is divided into atria and ventricles in order to work as in all mammals, large blood vessels are formed - the aorta, pulmonary veins and arteries, and hollow veins.

At 7 weeks of pregnancy, the unborn baby already has all the main parts of the brain (it is divided into 2 hemispheres), hearing and vision organs. On the head of the embryo, you can see the auricles on the sides, and the eyes are covered by the formed eyelids.

At the 7th week of pregnancy, ultrasound shows a tail, which remains in the embryo up to 10 weeks.

The formation of blood cells now occurs in the liver of the fetus, in which the bile ducts are formed. The trachea, esophagus, and intestines develop at the same time. In the pancreas, the first insulin is produced - a hormone on which the metabolism of carbohydrates depends.

The placenta is increasingly taking on the role of supporting the fetus - supplying it with oxygen, nutrients and removing metabolic products. The umbilical cord completes its formation, the uteroplacental blood flow is almost completely established.

At the 7th week of pregnancy on ultrasound, the sex of the fetus is not yet visible, but it is during this period that the internal gonads are formed into male (testicles) or female (ovaries), and outside between the legs only a tubercle is visible, which will later turn into female or male external genital organs.

At the 7th week of pregnancy, the fetus begins to move, only because of the small size of the fetus, the woman does not feel movements.

Changes in a woman's body at 7 weeks of gestation

It intensively adjusts to the growth rate of the fetus and the female body. The uterus doubles in size, although at the 7th week of pregnancy, the abdomen has not yet changed its configuration. At this time, the size of the uterus is usually compared to a large orange. The enlarged uterus is already putting pressure on the surrounding organs, in some it is manifested by an increased urge to urinate.

At week 7, a woman's pregnancy gives out her good appetite, as the body tries to store nutrients for the growth of the fetus. And although you do not need to severely limit yourself, it is worth controlling your weight so as not to exceed the weight gains recommended by obstetricians.

Fetal size at 7 weeks of gestation - 11-14 mm
Fetal size at 7 weeks of gestation - 11-14 mm

The volume of blood circulating in blood vessels increases by 10%.

Pain in the 7th week of pregnancy can be caused by the ligaments that support the uterus being pulled. They are located on the sides of the abdomen and are not dangerous. To reduce discomfort, it is not recommended to stay in a tense vertical position for a long time.

But a woman should be alerted at the 7th week of pregnancy, pain in the lower abdomen, as during menstruation - pulling, cramping. These are the first symptoms of a miscarriage, with them it is better to see a doctor right away. Bloody discharge at the 7th week of pregnancy is often accompanied by abdominal pain. Bleeding can begin gradually, with the appearance of a few drops of scarlet blood, or it can be profuse at once. The sooner a woman seeks help, the more likely it is to save the fetus. The usual discharge at the 7th week of pregnancy - the so-called "leucorrhoea" - can increase under the influence of hormonal changes.

Unpleasant sensations can also be in the chest - in the form of tingling, swelling.

Examination at the 7th week of pregnancy

An ultrasound scan at the 7th week of pregnancy will show the place of fixation and the number of fetuses, heartbeat, and movement of the embryo.

The doctor usually immediately upon registration for pregnancy gives referrals to specialists (therapist, ophthalmologist, dentist), for an ECG, blood group and Rh factor, for blood and urine tests, for a smear from the vagina. Some of them will need to be repeated several times during pregnancy.

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