37 Weeks Pregnant - Stomach, Pain, Fetus

37 Weeks Pregnant - Stomach, Pain, Fetus
37 Weeks Pregnant - Stomach, Pain, Fetus

37 weeks pregnant

Fetal weight at 37 weeks of gestation - 2.8-3.1 kg
Fetal weight at 37 weeks of gestation - 2.8-3.1 kg

At 37 weeks of gestation, 35 weeks pass from the moment of fertilization. By the end of 37 weeks, the fetus is considered full-term, and childbirth is urgent.

Changes in the fetus

A fetus at 37 weeks gestation is similar to a newborn baby. Its length is 48 - 49 cm, weight 2800 - 3100 g. The child is ready to be born, his body is sufficiently prepared for this.

The body of the fetus at 37 weeks of gestation has a pleasant rounded shape due to the accumulated fat under the skin, the skin itself is pale pink. The accumulation of fat in the subcutaneous tissue has led to the fact that the blood vessels are not so clearly visible through the skin.

The lungs are sufficiently formed to breathe on their own, the fetus in the abdomen at 37 weeks of gestation makes regular breathing movements, swallowing amniotic fluid.

The nervous system of the future baby is already well developed, almost all unconditioned reflexes are formed:

  • Protective;
  • Sucking;
  • Prehensile;
  • Crawling;
  • Supports, etc.

New connections continue to be established between the cells of the fetal cerebral cortex, this process will continue after the birth of the baby.

A fetus at 37 weeks of gestation can hear, see, smell and taste well. His activities have become more varied and complex, despite the fact that he spends most of his time in a dream.

Based on the results of an ultrasound scan at 37 weeks of gestation, you can find out the sex of the child.

Changes in a woman's body at 37 weeks of gestation

The belly at 37 weeks of gestation may feel slightly smaller in size and lower. In women who have to give birth for the first time, such a feeling first appears 2 to 3 weeks before childbirth, in multiparous abdominal lowering occurs immediately before the birth itself. The reason for the lowering of the abdomen at 37 weeks of gestation is that the head of the fetus, with its cephalic presentation, descends into the small pelvis. As soon as this event occurs, the woman will feel much better, since the uterus will no longer press on the diaphragm and tighten the lungs with such force. It becomes possible to breathe easily and deeply.

By the 37th week of pregnancy, a woman usually weighs 10 to 11 kg. It is necessary to control your weight more often so as not to miss its pathological increase. The bulk of the increase is made up of the weight of the child, placenta, amniotic fluid and uterus, but during pregnancy, a woman adds several kilograms due to body fat.

Belly at 37 weeks gestation may drop
Belly at 37 weeks gestation may drop

Quite often, excess weight gain is due to fluid retention in the body. First of all, visually, swelling will become noticeable on the legs and fingers. Then pregnant women usually complain that their shoes have become small, and it is difficult to remove the ring from their fingers. At the end of pregnancy, similar phenomena occur in almost everyone. If the swelling does not go away by morning, then the edema may be one of the signs of late gestosis. Gestosis at this time may be accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, the appearance of protein in the urine and headaches at 37 weeks of gestation. These manifestations cannot be ignored, and even more so without treatment.

Pain in the 37th week of pregnancy in the lower abdomen, in the lower back can be the first symptoms of the onset of labor. After 37 weeks of pregnancy, you should wait for the birth every day, and prepare for it in advance.

If pain appears against a background of profuse bleeding at 37 weeks of gestation, an urgent examination is required to exclude placental abruption. The childbirth process is quite lengthy, sometimes it takes 10 hours or more. All this time, the placenta must perform its previous functions of providing the fetus with oxygen and nutrients.

Examination at 37 weeks of gestation

Since a woman can give birth at any time after 37 weeks, by this time all examinations and consultations should have already been completed. Ultrasound at 37 weeks of gestation is not routinely prescribed. Visits to the gynecologist should be continued with the same frequency - once a week.

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