What to feed when a child is vomiting
Vomiting in children is a fairly frequent phenomenon: in this way, the baby's body is protected from poisonous and toxic substances that enter his body, and sometimes from stress. Children's vomiting can be a symptom of metabolic disorders, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), general intoxication, diseases of the central nervous system (central nervous system). Therefore, it is very important to know what to feed when the baby is vomiting.
Nutrition for children: what to feed when a child is vomiting

With vomiting, usually accompanied by diarrhea and fever, there is a large loss of fluid. Due to dehydration, the blood thickens and due to this, the concentration of toxins in the body increases. Therefore, first of all, when vomiting, it is necessary to provide the baby with plenty of drink. To maintain the balance of substances necessary for the body, it is recommended as a drink to alternately give the child at room temperature tea, rosehip broth or water with sugar and salted water. You can also use special glucose-salt powders, such as glucosolan, oralit, rehydron, etc. The main thing, before feeding a child with vomiting, give him a lot and drink often until the vomiting stops and only after that offer him food.
If vomiting is intense, then on the first day in the diet it is recommended to limit yourself to fermented milk products, such as kefir or yogurt without fillers. They will help restore the intestinal microflora and provide the child's body with proteins and calcium.
It is best to focus on the baby's appetite in case of vomiting to choose a dietary regimen: with a reduced appetite, the child should be provided with fractional meals, frequent but small portions. In this case, food should only be freshly prepared and well chopped, you can use a blender or wipe the food through a strainer. Decoctions of dried fruits, dried apricots, raisins will be a good source of potassium and will fill the liquid deficit; it is recommended to give gruel from baked sweet apples, which contains healthy carbohydrates and does not irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa.
What to feed after vomiting a child
To determine what to feed after vomiting a child, you need to know which nutrients and how they affect the body weakened by intoxication:
- Proteins - are a source of lipotropic vitamin-like substances (biotin, inositol, choline), necessary to restore normal liver function, activate the metabolism of cholesterol and lipids, and as a result, stimulate the oxidation and excretion of fats and toxins from the liver;
- Fats - increase the load on the liver weakened by intoxication, in addition, the production of enzymes involved in the digestion of fats is disrupted in an organism depleted by vomiting;
- Carbohydrates - Excessive intake of pure carbohydrates into the intestines enhances the fermentation process, exacerbating stomach problems;
- Vitamins and microelements are necessary to restore the normal functioning of the body.
Therefore, the child's nutrition after vomiting attacks should include foods rich in protein, trace elements and vitamins, and contain a minimum of fats and carbohydrates. Sources of complex carbohydrates and essential fatty acids should be preferred. These requirements are met by low-fat dairy and dairy products, lean meat, poultry, fish, vegetables and fruits that do not contain coarse fiber that irritates the intestinal and stomach mucous membranes, buckwheat and rice porridge. All ready-made meals must be chopped, mushy in the form of soufflé, mashed potatoes, etc., boiled or steamed, they can only be eaten by a child warm, hot and cold foods are excluded.
How to feed babies with vomiting

Breastfed babies who are already receiving complementary foods should only be given breast milk while vomiting. For artificially fed babies, buckwheat and rice milk mixtures or from six months of rice and buckwheat porridge cooked in milk diluted with water 1: 1 are recommended. Complementary foods return to the baby's menu after vomiting, in compliance with the rules of gradual introduction.
How to feed a child after vomiting from 7-8 months to a year? You can include in the diet, along with cereals, vegetable puree, meat soufflé, light cream soups. But it is best to rely on the child's needs and not force him to eat, what he does not want, you also do not need to insist that he eat more than he wants.
Nutrition, both during vomiting and after, should be gentle, so that the food is easier to digest and does not give an excessive load on the digestive organs, and the drink should be plentiful and enriched with vitamins and microelements.
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