Laser dentistry

What is laser dentistry? It would not be an exaggeration to say that this is a dream - a fulfilled dream of millions of people about pain-free dental treatment. No unpleasant sensations, no injections, "freezing" of teeth, feeling of numbness of the jaw for half a day and a wounded mucous membrane of the oral cavity. No bleeding! Everything is neatly, delicately and softly makes a beam of light, but most importantly, it does it effectively, no less efficiently than a drill and all other available dentist tools, which we, being in a dental office, perceive as torture instruments.
The possibilities of a laser are truly endless. We gradually got used to laser surgery and laser cosmetology, now laser dentistry is next in line. What exactly are the advantages of laser exposure? Firstly, there is no trauma associated with a violation of tissue integrity. If it is necessary to intervene, the action on the tissue occurs as follows: under the action of a concentrated light beam of strictly specified waves, cells that are 90% water, as we remember from the course of school biology, simply evaporate. Thus, by metering the power of the laser, it is possible to exert an effect on any tissue, and this effect can be of any given depth and force.
For this reason, laser dentistry is truly versatile. With the help of laser techniques, teeth are perfectly whitened, caries, periodontal pockets are treated, and root canals are sterilized. Laser exposure can eliminate such a painful condition as increased sensitivity of the teeth. In this case, a laser beam of directed force strengthens the tooth enamel, as if soldering its surface layer. Today it is one of the most effective methods of treating hypersensitivity of tooth enamel, and one of the most striking examples of the triumphant procession of laser dentistry.

It is still too early to say that laser dentistry will supplant all other methods of dental treatment, although this prognosis no longer seems too daring. As a rule, good clinics use laser dentistry methods as ancillary, as advanced options. Nevertheless, the general medical trend is that laser devices, having taken their places in operating rooms, diagnostic centers and manipulation rooms, are gradually becoming indispensable tools in the dentist's office, due to their safety, high accuracy, sparing effect on dental and periodontal tissues and at the same time high efficiency.
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