6 Mental Disorders Whose Symptoms May Be Considered Whims

6 Mental Disorders Whose Symptoms May Be Considered Whims
6 Mental Disorders Whose Symptoms May Be Considered Whims

6 mental disorders whose symptoms may be considered whims

Everyone knows the saying "A well-fed does not understand a hungry man." In a broad sense, we are talking about the fact that we can not always understand a person, the features of whose condition are unknown to us. If with the physiological signs of diseases, the situation is more or less clear (having noticed them, we realize that a person is not well), then with the symptoms of ailments affecting the mental sphere, everything is much more complicated. Unusual behavior is often perceived by others as ridiculous eccentricity or, much worse, as a manifestation of bad manners or bad character. Often a person suffering from a very specific disease is faced with misunderstanding, condemnation and even aggression. To prevent this from happening, you need to have an understanding of the behavioral manifestations of common mental disorders.


Now each person has to spend a lot of time in crowded places: at work, on public transport, shopping and cultural centers, etc. Many people eat daily and send their natural necessities outside the home. Patients with paresis are practically deprived of this opportunity: the disease does not allow them to empty their bladder where someone can hear them. The reality of the situation does not really matter: the process of urination is completely blocked if the sufferer even assumes the presence of other people nearby. In the most severe cases, patients retain the ability to relieve themselves only by being in their home all alone.

About 7% of adults suffer from paruresis (men are much more likely than women). Despite the seeming insignificance of the problem, its consequences are quite severe. Due to the constant desire to endure home, the patient may develop malfunctions in the excretory system. In addition, pararesis significantly limits social activity.

This condition has nothing to do with the vagaries and heightened shyness that sometimes occur in young children. At an early age, such phenomena quickly pass, but if they recur in a child for several months, this should alarm the parents and become a reason for contacting a specialist.


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One of the most common mental disorders, which is expressed in involuntary and uncontrolled nail biting. According to statistics, between the ages of 10 and 18, about 45% of people suffer from it. In most cases, these are women.

The severity of onychophagia can be different, with a mild degree of the disease, the patient bites his nails only in a state of deep thought or strong nervous tension. One way or another, these actions lead to the introduction of microbes into the digestive tract and injury to the cuticle (up to the development of inflammatory processes). Sometimes teeth can also be damaged.

Onychophagia is harmful to health, but its consequences for the socialization of a person can be much more bad, since others regard the patient's behavior as bad manners and uncleanliness. Deviations of this kind are often the cause of low self-esteem, problems with employment and communication.


Source: depositphotos.com

Pseudobulbar effect

Pathology manifests itself in the form of an inadequate reaction to the situation in which a person is. So, he begins to cry in the midst of a fun event or, conversely, laugh at the most inopportune moment (for example, at a ceremonial meeting or at a funeral). In some cases, others are ready to write off such behavior as stress, but if the corresponding episodes are repeated constantly, the patient may be considered at least poorly educated.

In fact, the opposite reaction to the situation is a symptom of a mental disorder called violent emotional expression, or pseudobulbar effect. At the same time, the patient does not control himself and his strange actions are in no way connected with the peculiarities of upbringing or moral qualities.

In addition, doctors know such a disease as catagelasticism. People with this ailment openly enjoy the mistakes, blunders and even misfortunes of others. If someone in your environment constantly, without hiding their emotions, rejoices in someone else's misfortune, do not rush to condemn him: perhaps the person needs the help of a psychiatrist.

Pseudobulbar effect
Pseudobulbar effect

Source: depositphotos.com


A widespread deviation, which affects 8-10% of men to varying degrees (it is very rare in women). The main symptom is the inability to clearly understand and express in words one's own emotions. According to experts, about 70% of women's complaints about insensitivity and thick skin of their husbands in fact can be explained by the presence of this disease.

In men with alexithymia, the imagination is poorly developed. They experience difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex, often cannot start a family for a long time, at work they are considered too callous and lacking in initiative.


Source: depositphotos.com


Few can calmly relate to such sounds as the creak of a knife on a plate or a desperate cry of a baby. This is a normal reaction due to a genetically inherent intolerance to sounds of a certain frequency. But patients with misophonia literally go berserk when they hear completely ordinary sounds: swallowing, sneezing, coughing and even breathing. This is not about irritability or a grumpy character, but about those cases when a person painfully perceives normal everyday sounds that constantly accompany our life.

Patients with misophonia, as a rule, have big problems with living near other people. They are irritable, intolerant and uncommunicative. In most cases, the disease condemns them to loneliness.


Source: depositphotos.com

Oppositional defiance disorder

In any large team, you can find an employee who is constantly in conflict with his superiors, takes hostility to every order or comment coming from “above”. He is usually considered either a disgruntled loser or a squabbler. This is not always the case: if in all other respects a person does not show any scandalous inclinations, it is quite possible that he suffers from a very famous deviation - oppositional defiance disorder.

A negative attitude towards any actions of the leadership, which a person does not know how to hide, even at the risk of getting into trouble, is a property of the psyche, and not the result of upbringing or life experience. It affects not only some adults, but about 20% of children. Psychologists consider it normal to repeat short periods of this behavior repeatedly as we get older. At the same time, we are not talking about individual wrong actions, but about the constant desire to openly contradict adults. If this condition in a child lasts more than six months, we can talk about a mental breakdown. Then parents should urgently consult a specialist: without qualified help, the situation will worsen.

If someone next to you commits strange things, ignores generally accepted norms of behavior, frightens or annoys others, do not rush to condemn the peculiarities of his upbringing and character. Perhaps the person is sick and needs sympathy and understanding.

Oppositional defiance disorder
Oppositional defiance disorder

Source: depositphotos.com

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Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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