5 most unusual plastic surgeries
Everyone has long been accustomed to the fact that it is possible, by contacting a plastic surgeon, to correct the natural parameters of the figure or to minimize the damage caused to the appearance by merciless time. A lot of people (mainly women) in all countries of the world decide on this kind of surgery. However, there are much more exotic interventions, which are so far rare and very expensive. We bring a story about the most unusual of them to your attention.
Leveling the surface of the bikini area
On the pages of glossy magazines, you can find pictures of fashion models who have not just beautiful, but perfect bodies. One of the incredible features of the figures of these girls is the absolutely smooth surface of the bikini area: the front parts of the pelvic bones, which should protrude forward in any woman, are practically absent in their photographs. Until recently, such miracles of anatomy were explained very simply: they were just the result of processing images using a photo editor.
Several years ago, plastic surgeons became interested in the possibility of aligning the bikini zone, and the result of their efforts was very much in demand. Despite the fact that the operation of cutting the protruding areas of the pelvic bones can not be considered either easily tolerated or completely safe, several women have already decided on it and received the desired ideal proportions.

Source: depositphotos.com
Making an eternal smile
In recent years, among young women in South Korea, it has become immensely popular to have surgery to change the shape of the mouth, which allows you to constantly maintain a smile on your face. To do this, you need to cut the corners of the lips in a special way. According to Korean women, the "eternal" smile (along with the enlarged eye shape) makes them look like European women, which is very prestigious.
Whether or not a Caucasian type of appearance is more beautiful than a Mongoloid is a matter of taste. Only the following can be said for sure: according to psychologists, a smiling person inspires confidence, it is easier for him to contact and find a common language with other people.

Source: depositphotos.com
Synthetic "patch" in the language
What people who want to lose weight do not go to without making any special efforts! Not everyone can withstand a strict diet in combination with physical activity. Patients of Dr. Chugai, a practitioner in Los Angeles, have the opportunity not to torture themselves with diet and exercise. A plastic surgeon performs operations to install a special "patch" made of a rough synthetic material on the tongue.
A person who uses such a device cannot eat most foods without experiencing extremely unpleasant sensations. Dr. Chugay suggests that his patients follow a specially designed diet based on the use of exclusively liquid foods. At the same time, the patient manages to receive no more than 800 kcal per day.
This method of dealing with excess weight is designed for no more than a month: if after 30 days the "patch" is not removed, it will grow into the tongue. Patients of an inventive doctor have enough of this period in order to lose a lot of weight.

Source: depositphotos.com
Correction of the shape of the nose of an unborn baby
Usually, the shape of the nose or ears is surgically reshaped in adults. We are talking not only about operations performed solely because the patient wanted to become more beautiful, but also about interventions related to the correction of congenital defects in appearance. As a rule, such operations are not performed for small children: doctors wait for the moment when the cartilage tissue of the ears or nose has finished growing and parts of the face will take their final shape.
But there are exceptions to this rule. So, recently one of the residents of Beverly Hills turned to plastic surgeons with a request to operate on her unborn son. The woman feared that the boy would be born with a too long nose inherited from his father. Oddly enough, the doctors considered the intervention not only possible, but even quite reasonable: in their opinion, the fetus, which is surrounded by amniotic fluid, should not have had problems with postoperative tissue healing. The procedure, carried out with the help of endoscopic technique, ended successfully: the baby was born healthy and practically free from traces of surgery on the face.

Source: depositphotos.com
Changing the vocal cord configuration
Surgical interventions to correct the timbre of the voice have been known for a long time. For a long time, such operations were performed mainly by people who decided to change their gender. But unexpectedly, such manipulations became very popular among the residents of South Korea.
The citizens of this country prefer not just operations, as a result of which the voice becomes lower and more masculine, or, conversely, high (each patient makes an individual choice). They seek to change the nature of the sounds emitted, to make them less harsh and sonorous. According to Koreans, this is precisely what their voices differ from the voices of Europeans, which are now very fashionable to be like.

Source: depositphotos.com
As you know, demand creates supply. The emergence of new, exotic methods of human body correction depends on how much such changes are in demand by clients. It does not follow from this that there is a lot of sense to lie down on the operating table, trying to make something physiologically special out of yourself. It should be remembered that such operations in most cases involve serious health risks.
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Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author
Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".
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