5 Most Unusual Allergic Reactions

5 Most Unusual Allergic Reactions
5 Most Unusual Allergic Reactions

5 most unusual allergic reactions

According to statistics, more than 40% of the world's population suffers from malfunctions of the immune system, manifested in the form of allergies. In most cases, a pathological reaction is caused by substances contained in food, animal hair, medicines, household chemicals, cosmetics, pollen, etc. On the one hand, such a disease can fundamentally ruin life. On the other hand, it is not so difficult to protect yourself from it, you just need to limit contact with the factor causing the painful reaction as much as possible. But there are types of allergies that literally poison a person's existence, since it is almost impossible to completely eliminate the factors that provoke an exacerbation of the disease. We present five of the most exotic types of allergies to your attention.

Allergy to money

Pathological reactions to various alloys (including those from which coins are made) are not uncommon. People with allergies of this type get used to not picking up small money, which, in principle, is not very difficult in our time. British resident Yvonne Simon is not at all lucky: she suffers from allergies not only to nickel, but also to the ink used to print banknotes. In addition, Yvonne's body reacts painfully to latex, so she cannot touch money through rubber gloves either. The woman is rescued by the possibility of paying for goods and services online or using bank cards.

Allergy to money
Allergy to money

Source: depositphotos.com

Polyethylene glycol intolerance

An extremely rare condition, especially unpleasant in that the substance, which in this case provokes an immune system response, is now used literally at every step. Polyethylene glycol is found in most perfumery, cosmetic and household cleaning products that are widely used in any home, office and public place.

Fortunately, only three cases of this type of allergy are known worldwide. Patients are severely limited in movement and contact with other people, experience great difficulties with socialization, getting a job, and just in everyday life.

Polyethylene glycol intolerance
Polyethylene glycol intolerance

Source: depositphotos.com

Total food intolerance

Allergens are found in many foods. The leaders in provoking pathological reactions are chicken eggs, citrus fruits, chocolate, berries that have a bright red color (for example, strawberries), nuts, honey, seafood. But people with a particular food allergy always have a way out: to give up dangerous types of food, replacing them with others.

Caleb Bassenschut, 6, from Australia, has been diagnosed with allergies to all food groups. Any food causes him pain and vomiting. The mucous membrane of the boy's digestive tract is covered with numerous ulcers. Doctors manage to maintain his life with the help of a specially developed nutrient solution, which is introduced into the stomach through a tube in portions of 1-2 g.

Total food intolerance
Total food intolerance

Source: depositphotos.com

Sexual partner sperm allergy

Some people are allergic to the latex from which condoms are made, to the gels and lubricants sometimes used during sexual intercourse. An unpleasant situation, but it is not difficult to cope with allergies: use another method of contraception, replace industrial gels and lubricants with something else … It is much worse if a woman's body pathologically reacts to the seminal fluid of a sexual partner. This means not only that unprotected sex (and therefore, natural conception) is impossible for a couple. An attempt to use the IVF procedure in this case is also doomed to failure: most likely, the immune system of the expectant mother will reject even an egg fertilized by "hostile" sperm outside the body.

Pathology is very rare, but such partners can become happy parents only through adoption.

Sexual partner sperm allergy
Sexual partner sperm allergy

Source: depositphotos.com

Intolerance to any physical activity

Sometimes, when we are very tired, we joke that we are allergic to work. For the American Ruth Hoylord, such statements are not funny: her body really reacts pathologically to any physical effort. Swelling, suffocation and other life-threatening symptoms (up to anaphylactic shock) in a woman can be caused by a walk, an attempt to lift a bag weighing a couple of kilograms, a lift without an elevator one or two floors. Ruth is deprived of the opportunity to get a job and needs daily help from loved ones.

Intolerance to any physical activity
Intolerance to any physical activity

Source: depositphotos.com

For people suffering from these types of allergies, conventional antihistamines do not help. Fortunately, such pathologies are extremely rare.

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Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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