14 Weeks Pregnant - Belly, Fetal Size, Discharge

14 Weeks Pregnant - Belly, Fetal Size, Discharge
14 Weeks Pregnant - Belly, Fetal Size, Discharge

14 weeks pregnant

At the 14th week of pregnancy, the fetus can fix an unconscious smile
At the 14th week of pregnancy, the fetus can fix an unconscious smile

At 14 weeks gestation, the fetus is 12 weeks old, and the fourth lunar month of development is in progress. The future child continues to grow rapidly. The first trimester of pregnancy ends at 14 weeks.

Fetal changes

The size of the fetus at 14 weeks of gestation is about 8.5 cm, and the weight is 30 - 40 g. The appearance also changes - it becomes like a little man. The ears and eyes take their usual place, the chin is formed, the neck is more clearly visible, the hair on the head is replaced with denser to the touch.

The reserves of adipose tissue are not yet deposited in the subcutaneous tissue, so the fetus looks thin and emaciated. His skin is covered with vellus hair (lanugo) and thick whitish grease. Thanks to tactile receptors in the skin, the fetus feels the walls of the uterus surrounding it, its arms and legs, and the umbilical cord. Continuous stimulation of these receptors during the prenatal period stimulates the development of the brain.

At the 14th week of pregnancy, the respiratory organs of the fetus are prepared for work. The main respiratory muscle, the diaphragm, is trained in contractions, the lungs form a fluid that fills the airways. The facial muscles are already sufficiently developed, and now the expression on the face of the fetus is not only negative, you can fix the first unconscious smile.

Bile begins to move through the intestines. From the 14th week of pregnancy, it is possible to listen to the fetal heartbeat through the mother's abdomen; this is done using a special obstetric stethoscope in the form of a tube.

At 14 weeks of gestation, special antigens are formed on the membrane of erythrocytes (red blood cells) of the fetus, which are responsible for the blood group. These are the so-called Rh and ABO antigens. In general, the cellular composition of the fetal blood is still unstable.

Changes in the mother's body at 14 weeks of gestation

At 14 weeks of pregnancy, a woman consciously associates sensations with her condition. The belly at the 14th week of pregnancy is rounded, along with the replenished breast, it changes the center of gravity of the body, shifting it. Not the least role is played by hormonal shifts in the body, contributing to the softening of the articular ligaments, especially the hip joints and the pubic joint. A kind of "proud" gait of pregnant women begins to form, sometimes it is also called "duck".

Weight gain becomes more noticeable at the 14th week of pregnancy. A significant contribution to this is made by the growing uterus and the increasing amount of amniotic fluid.

The body of the uterus can be felt through the anterior abdominal wall of a woman, it rises 10-12 cm above the pubic articulation. From this period, at the reception, the obstetrician-gynecologist will check whether the growth of the size of the uterus (in centimeters above the bosom) corresponds to the gestational age (in weeks).

At the 14th week of pregnancy, you can already listen to the baby's heartbeat
At the 14th week of pregnancy, you can already listen to the baby's heartbeat

Discharge at 14 weeks gestation, which may be from the vagina, is quite abundant, whitish or transparent. This is a sign of a healthy pregnancy.

Termination of pregnancy is possible at any time, it can be provoked by severe physical or emotional stress, infectious or somatic diseases of the mother. Pain at 14 weeks of gestation in the abdomen or lower back, as a sign of the threat of termination, are cramping in nature.

Examination at 14 weeks of gestation

If a pregnant woman complains of severe weakness, drowsiness, pallor of her skin at 14 weeks, during the next examination, the doctor may prescribe a general blood test to exclude anemia. A decrease in hemoglobin levels at this time can be detected for the first time. For the correction of anemia, iron preparations for oral administration and folic acid are most often used.

Ultrasound at 14 weeks of gestation is not routinely performed. But the need for control occurs when there are risk factors or the threat of interruption. Ultrasonic radiation itself is harmless to the fetus, but still it should not be abused.

Once every 2 weeks, the pregnant woman continues to take a general urine test. Adverse symptoms are the detection of protein, erythrocytes, leukocytes or bacteria in it.

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