29 Weeks Pregnant - Fetus, Belly, Discharge

29 Weeks Pregnant - Fetus, Belly, Discharge
29 Weeks Pregnant - Fetus, Belly, Discharge

29 weeks pregnant

Fetus length at 29 weeks gestation - 37 cm
Fetus length at 29 weeks gestation - 37 cm

At the 29th week of pregnancy, the unborn child is already 27 weeks from the moment of his conception, the eighth lunar month of pregnancy has begun.

Changes in the fetus

The baby in the womb has reached such a degree of maturity that if it is delivered early at 29 weeks of gestation, it is highly likely to survive. True, he may need special conditions for nursing - a warm incubator, additional oxygen or even an artificial ventilation device, tube feeding.

There is an active accumulation of normal adipose tissue by the fetus at the 29th week of pregnancy, it rapidly increases in size. First of all, the fatty layer forms in the cheeks, and the arms and legs will look thin for a long time. According to the results of an ultrasound scan at the 29th week of pregnancy, the future baby is already about 37 cm long, and weighs up to 1300 g.

From the term of 29 weeks of pregnancy, the future baby quite often takes the correct position in the uterine cavity - upside down.

The lungs of the fetus continue to ripen for spontaneous breathing, surfactant accumulates in them. The digestive, excretory, and endocrine systems are already well developed.

The mass of the brain increases, many nerve connections are formed in it. The eyes of the fetus can already distinguish primary colors. The structure of the eyeball at this stage of development is such that it sees well in the distance and poorly - near. The iris is just starting to accumulate pigment.

The fetal cardiovascular system is being improved. Its work is significantly different from that in a baby's body after birth. At the 29th week of pregnancy, the small circle of blood circulation does not work, the organs of the future baby are supplied mainly with mixed blood. In the heart, communications between the atria and ventricles are open. The blood of the fetus at the 29th week of pregnancy has a constant composition, in contrast to the blood of adults, erythrocytes contain fetal hemoglobin, which has a greater affinity for oxygen.

Changes in a woman's body at 29 weeks of gestation

At 29 weeks of gestation, the abdomen protrudes noticeably, the height of the bottom of the uterus above the pubic joint is about 29 cm, above the navel - about 9 cm. The uterus from the inside supports and presses the overlying organs, the volume of the abdominal and chest cavity decreases, which manifests itself in a number of undesirable symptoms. So, a woman may be bothered by:

  • Dyspnea;
  • Nausea;
  • Heartburn;
  • Constipation;
  • Flatulence.
The baby at the 29th week of pregnancy is in the correct position
The baby at the 29th week of pregnancy is in the correct position

Due to the compression of the inferior vena cava by the enlarged uterus, edema of the legs may appear, pain in the 29th week of pregnancy in the lower extremities may be a manifestation of varicose veins or thrombophlebitis.

At 29 weeks of gestation, it can sometimes pull in the lower abdomen, most often these are training contractions, with the help of which the uterus prepares for childbirth. Pain at the 29th week of pregnancy, as well as the feeling of a stone abdomen, should alert a woman - normally they do not exist.

The discharge of yellowish drops of colostrum from the breast at 29 weeks of pregnancy is a sign that the breast is preparing to feed the baby. It noticeably increased in size, became heavy, and a blue mesh of superficial veins is clearly visible under the skin of the breast.

Examination at 29 weeks of gestation

Usually, if the pregnancy is proceeding well, then an ultrasound scan at 29 weeks of gestation is not routinely prescribed. The doctor recommends an ultrasound examination in case of suspicion of any trouble. The latest screening study using ultrasound is still ahead.

The woman continues to visit her doctor every 2 weeks, who at the reception:

  • Asks about complaints;
  • Measures weight, abdominal circumference and fundus height;
  • Measures blood pressure and pulse;
  • Checks the swelling of the legs.

From laboratory tests, according to indications at the 29th week of pregnancy, a general blood test, a blood glucose test, a general urine test may be needed.

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