25 weeks pregnant

At 25 weeks of gestation, the life of the fetus continues for 23 weeks after fertilization, the seventh lunar month of pregnancy begins.
Changes in the fetus
According to ultrasound at 25 weeks of gestation, the length of the fetus is about 32 cm, weight is up to 700 g. It is already quite large, but it can still change its position in the uterus. The mother feels the movements and pushes of the unborn child regularly and distinctly, he has his own sleep and wakefulness regime. The most active fetus becomes closer to the night.
The appearance of the fetus changes - the skin looks more straightened and elastic. Through the accumulating subcutaneous fat, the vessels do not appear so clearly, so the skin of the fetus at the 25th week of pregnancy is no longer as bright red as before. The subcutaneous fatty tissue thickens, and the whole body acquires more rounded lines, cheeks and folds appear on the buttocks. Facial features and individual characteristics are well distinguishable.
The auricles of the fetus at the 25th week of pregnancy are still soft, the cartilage, which forms their basis, is underdeveloped, therefore their bends and curls are not formed. The appearance of the auricles is one of the criteria for determining the degree of prematurity when a child is born prematurely.
Calcium and phosphorus salts are deposited in the bones, they become stronger and denser. The red bone marrow is already fully formed, it is in it that blood cells are formed. Before that time, some of them were formed in the liver and spleen.
The amount of surfactant in the lungs continues to increase. A surfactant is a mixture of lipids that keep your lungs from collapsing when you breathe. Its constituents can be found in the amniotic fluid at 25 weeks of gestation. But more often than not, this amount of surfactant for spontaneous respiration of the fetus at birth at a period of 25 weeks is not enough, and immediately after birth, an artificial surfactant is injected into the lungs of the newborn.
Through the maternal abdomen at 25 weeks of gestation, the fetal heartbeats are clearly heard, the heart rate at this time is 130 - 160 beats per minute.
On an ultrasound scan at 25 weeks of pregnancy, it is already easy to determine the sex of the unborn baby.
Changes in a woman's body at 25 weeks of gestation
The abdomen at 25 weeks of gestation continues to grow, the uterus rises 25 cm above the pubic articulation, this is determined by the doctor during the next examination. The load on the spine increases due to the fact that the center of gravity of the body shifts. This can cause lower back pain at 25 weeks gestation, especially when lifting heavy weights. To feel good, doctors recommend wearing low-heeled shoes and a special maternity bandage.
The woman's gait changes, she is called "duck", or "proud gait of pregnant women."
The growing uterus pushes the internal organs higher, because of this, heartburn, belching, or nausea may occur.
Many women report that their baby is hiccuping in the stomach. The reason for the hiccups is as follows - the fetus as a training swallows amniotic fluid, they fill its stomach. The baby's stomach is located right under the diaphragm, the main respiratory muscle. Irritation of the diaphragm provokes its reflex contraction, which is externally manifested by hiccups.

From unpleasant symptoms on the legs, edema and a blue mesh of varicose veins visible through the skin may appear. Together they can create a feeling of heaviness and pain in the legs at 25 weeks of gestation. Varicose veins are unpleasant not only in their appearance, they can cause serious complications - vascular thrombosis and thrombophlebitis. Due to the tendency to edema, doctors recommend limiting salt and fluid intake from 25 weeks of pregnancy.
Vaginal discharge at 25 weeks of gestation is normally uniform in consistency, uncolored or whitish, odorless or with a slight sour smell. They are abundant enough that a woman often has to use panty liners.
Examination at 25 weeks of gestation
There are no special examinations at the 25th week of pregnancy; a woman is routinely seen by a doctor once every two weeks. If she did not have time to do some tests or visit narrow specialists, then it is not recommended to postpone this further. The appointment of tests at 25 weeks of pregnancy is possible according to indications or if the pregnant woman's well-being worsens.
Control of weight gain is mandatory. It is better to do this daily in the morning, at home. A general urine test is required every two weeks.
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