11 week of pregnancy

At the 11th week of pregnancy, the active development and growth of the fetus continues, at this point it is already 9 weeks old from the moment of conception.
Fetal changes
In length, the size of the fetus at 11 weeks of gestation is up to 5 cm, and it already weighs 7-8 g, corresponding to a large plum in size. He gradually straightens, the head still prevails over the body. The unborn child knows how to stretch, raise his head, bend his thumbs and clench his hand into a fist. He actively reacts to irritations from the outside - sneezing and coughing of the mother, the food she takes, etc.
The ears on the head of the fetus are still set low, and the eyes are set wide apart, but already in the same plane.
At this time, the iris of the eye, vocal cords, and the first lymphocytes (blood cells) are formed in the unborn child. The laying of the external genital organs begins, and on an ultrasound scan at 11 weeks of gestation, an experienced specialist using an expert-class apparatus can sometimes determine the sex of the fetus.
At the 11th week of pregnancy, the kidneys are already well developed, and the fetus can urinate in the amniotic fluid. The number of blood vessels in the placenta increases, it completely completes its formation, taking upon itself all the needs of the growing fetus. Including the placenta, it carries out the excretion of metabolic products from the amniotic fluid into the mother's blood. Thus, a double burden falls on the mother's kidneys, not only due to the increase in blood volume in the vessels, but also due to the fact that one has to work for the fetus as well.
At the 11th week of pregnancy, the walls of the intestine make the first peristaltic movements - training begins to digest food after birth.
Changes in a woman's body at 11 weeks of gestation
At the 11th week of pregnancy, symptoms of early toxicosis most often disappear, well-being and mood improve. Although some women begin to complain of forgetfulness and distracted attention, which may be associated with hormonal changes.
The abdominal circumference at 11 weeks of gestation increases slightly. This is mainly due to a general increase in the weight of the pregnant woman and body fat, since the uterus has not yet gone beyond the pelvis. If twins or triplets are expected, then the belly at 11 weeks of gestation is already clearly visible.
The chest also increases in volume, a woman most often notes this by the feeling of tightness in her old clothes. Discharge at 11 weeks of gestation, which may appear at this time from the nipples of the breast, is a variant of the norm. You cannot squeeze them out. Sometimes they persist until delivery.

Vaginal discharge at 11 weeks of pregnancy is increased compared to those that were before pregnancy. But if they are whitish or transparent and odorless, don't worry.
During this period, a woman may feel fever and hot flashes associated with an increase in blood volume in the vessels and an acceleration of metabolism.
Recommendations for a woman at 11 weeks pregnant
If the pregnant woman has not yet registered and has not passed the prescribed examinations, then it is recommended to do this as soon as possible. Early registration prevents unfavorable pregnancy.
At 11 weeks of gestation, viral infections, especially rubella, should be avoided. This virus causes fetal malformations or even stillbirth if a woman has first contact with it.
Anesthesia and X-ray examinations, for example, during dental treatment, can adversely affect the fetus. Some types of pain relief are only acceptable after 12 weeks.
In order not to overload the already working kidneys of a pregnant woman with an excessive load, one should not abuse the liquid, especially at night. Otherwise, it is impossible to avoid edema, this can adversely affect the health of the fetus.
If you feel pain in the 11th week of pregnancy, localized in the lower abdomen, or if you have bleeding from the vagina, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.
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