38 Weeks Pregnant - Stomach, Discharge, Pain

38 Weeks Pregnant - Stomach, Discharge, Pain
38 Weeks Pregnant - Stomach, Discharge, Pain

38 weeks pregnant

Fetal weight at 38 weeks of gestation - 3.1-3.3 kg
Fetal weight at 38 weeks of gestation - 3.1-3.3 kg

At 38 weeks gestation, the baby in the belly turns 36 full weeks since fertilization took place in the fallopian tube, the tenth lunar month of pregnancy is underway.

Changes in the fetus

Fetal growth at 38 weeks gestation slows down, it has already reached the size of a newborn baby. An ultrasound scan at 38 weeks of gestation shows that its length is 48 - 50 cm, weight 3000 - 3300 g.

The child's body is ready for birth at any time, but for the beginning of labor, it is necessary to achieve a special hormonal status in the body of a pregnant woman and the formation of a generic dominant.

Even if the exact time of conception is known, the date of birth with 100% accuracy at 38 weeks of gestation cannot be predicted. It is dangerous to use means and techniques that stimulate the onset of labor, independently and without evidence. When stimulated, the process can go completely unpredictable, and often ends in complications.

The fetus at 38 weeks gestation is in close contact with the walls of the uterus, the amount of amniotic fluid has decreased. Their presence in the same volume now does not play such a big role, and a decrease in the volume of water, in turn, reduces the likelihood of the umbilical cord and parts of the fetus falling out, and its incorrect position.

The baby's skin in the womb is completely smoothed, it is pink and velvety to the touch, traces of lanugo can sometimes remain on the shoulders, and a small amount of white cheese-like lubricant can be found in the folds of the skin. Due to the reserves of adipose tissue in the subcutaneous tissue, the baby in the belly at 38 weeks of gestation looks plump and plump. The hair on his head is clearly visible, sometimes it is quite thick and long.

In the final sections of the intestine at 38 weeks of gestation, a small amount of original feces has already accumulated, the entire digestive tract is ready to restructure the type of nutrition of the body, to breastfeeding. The function of the digestive glands for the production of enzymes that break down proteins, carbohydrates and fats is somewhat reduced. But this disadvantage is compensated by the fact that the composition of breast milk itself contains enzymes that will help break down the nutrients in it.

Changes in a woman's body at 38 weeks of gestation

The body of a pregnant woman is intensively preparing for the upcoming childbirth, which can begin every day from 38 weeks of pregnancy. The main changes occur under the influence of hormonal activity.

The placenta also changes - some of its vessels empty, cysts and lime deposits appear in it, and the thickness of the placenta decreases. All this affects its work, so the delivery of nutrients to the fetus slows down.

In length at 38 weeks of gestation reaches 48-50 cm
In length at 38 weeks of gestation reaches 48-50 cm

The belly at 38 weeks of gestation may decrease slightly in size. The reason for this is a decrease in the volume of amniotic fluid and the displacement of the fetal body lower, into the pelvic cavity. At this time, weight gains stop most often, sometimes a pregnant woman even normally loses weight by 1 - 1.5 kg. The height of the fundus of the uterus is now determined slightly lower than before, and is about 33 - 35 cm above the womb.

A woman notices training contractions more often. If they intensified or became more intense, regularity or pain appeared in their occurrence at 38 weeks of gestation, then, most likely, the cervix began to open, and labor was about to begin.

It is possible to release mucus from the genital tract at 38 weeks of gestation, with a consistency reminiscent of egg white. This is the so-called mucous plug that filled the cervical canal, protecting the fetal bladder. If the cervix begins to open and becomes wider, then the plug may come off. Its release at 38 weeks of gestation in multiparous occurs immediately at the beginning of labor. Sometimes the mucous plug contains a small admixture of blood, you should not be afraid of this.

Examination at 38 weeks of gestation

During childbirth, a woman loses a certain amount of blood. Therefore, it is very important that by this time the hemoglobin of her blood is at least 110 - 130 g / l. At the first sign of labor, your doctor may perform a digital examination of the vagina to determine the degree of cervical dilatation.

Ultrasound at 38 weeks of pregnancy is prescribed only if necessary. More informatively, the condition of the fetus can be observed by conducting CTG.

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