18 weeks pregnant

At the 18th week of pregnancy, the unborn child turns 16 weeks or 4.5 lunar months from the day fertilization took place.
Fetal changes
The size of the fetus at 18 weeks of gestation is 20-22 cm long, its weight can reach 200 g. All organs of the unborn baby continue to grow and develop.
The fetal skeletal system accumulates calcium salts, actively taking it from the mother's body. On the fingers of the arms and legs of the future baby, phalanges are clearly defined, and on the pads of the fingers, a pattern of prints that is unique for each person is determined.
At the 18th week of pregnancy, fat begins to accumulate in the subcutaneous tissue, the outlines of the fetus's body become more rounded, and folds appear on the skin.
All sections of the brain are actively developing. The cells of the retina of the eye differentiate, it becomes more sensitive, and the fetus at 18 weeks of gestation can distinguish light from darkness. By this time, he also hears loud sounds that reach him from the outside. So, the unborn child through the belly at 18 weeks of pregnancy begins to get to know his mother, getting used to her voice.
The fruit is actively moving, and it is most active in the evening and at night. The periods of wakefulness are replaced by periods of decreased activity, the average duration of which is 4 hours.
The heart of the unborn child is well developed, and an ultrasound scan at the 18th week of pregnancy allows you to see most of the congenital anomalies of its development. The fetal heart rate now averages 154 - 164 beats per minute.

The respiratory tract of the fetus continues to differentiate, the trachea is divided into two main bronchi. Over time, the respiratory system of the fetus branches into smaller bronchi.
At the 18th week of pregnancy, the uterus and fallopian tubes of the future girl take their permanent place in the abdominal cavity.
Changes in a woman's body at 18 weeks of gestation
The belly at the 18th week of pregnancy does not quite reach the level of the navel. It has already grown so much that it can make it difficult to fall asleep. It is best to take a position on the left side during sleep, then blood circulation will be more physiological.
By this period of pregnancy, a woman can gain an additional 6 kg of weight, depending on her original build. To determine the individual rate of weight gain, the body mass index is taken into account, which was before pregnancy.
Discharge at 18 weeks of gestation from the nipples of the mammary glands should not scare a woman, as well as the tubercles on the areola of the nipples. They do not need to be squeezed out - this can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus, which is especially dangerous when there is a threat of termination of pregnancy.
Pain at the 18th week of pregnancy, arising in the lower back, is associated with an increase in the load on the back and a shift in the center of gravity.
A woman at the 18th week of pregnancy sometimes suffers from heartburn, constipation, gas in the intestines. These unpleasant symptoms can be corrected with a proper diet rich in plant fiber.
Examination at 18 weeks of gestation
At this stage of pregnancy, a woman makes a scheduled visit to a doctor who monitors the course of this period. During the examination, the obstetrician-gynecologist weighs, measures the blood pressure on both arms, the height of the fundus of the uterus above the bosom, and listens to the fetal heartbeat.
An ultrasound scan at the 18th week of pregnancy is prescribed only when there are doubts about the well-being of the fetus, for example, with its excessive activity or, conversely, if the mother has ceased to hear the fetal movement. On ultrasound at 18 weeks of pregnancy, the sex of the fetus is clearly visible, as well as most of the developmental anomalies.
It is obligatory to control urine according to a general analysis, it allows you to detect toxicosis at the earliest possible date, when there are no complaints of impaired well-being or other symptoms.
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