15 weeks pregnant

At 15 weeks of gestation, the age of the fetus is 13 weeks from the date of fertilization of the egg.
Fetal changes
The size of the fetus at 15 weeks of gestation is about 10 cm in length, its weight reaches 70 g. The appearance and proportions of the body change - the length of the arms and legs is now the same, the auricles acquire a formed appearance, the distance between the eyes of the fetus has slightly decreased.
At the 15th week of pregnancy, the skeleton of the unborn child is actively formed, the cartilage tissue begins to be replaced by the bone, its base actively accumulates calcium and phosphorus salts.
An ultrasound scan at 15 weeks of gestation allows you to determine the sex of the fetus, since its external genitals are clearly distinguishable.
The skin of the unborn baby at the 15th week of pregnancy is no longer so translucent, it acquires a reddish color due to the vessels visible through it. The sebaceous glands of the skin function intensively, they form the original lubricant that protects the skin immediately after the birth of the baby.
The volume of amniotic fluid in the abdomen increases, at 15 weeks of gestation, their amount approaches 100 ml. Amniotic fluid is sterile, its composition is renewed about 10 times a day. They maintain the constancy of the internal environment of the fetus, provide it with an optimal temperature regime of about 37 degrees.
At the 15th week of pregnancy, the fetus begins to form unconditioned reflexes, thanks to which the embryonic posture is preserved. In this position, the fetus occupies a minimum volume in the uterine cavity, it is curled up, the chin is tilted towards the chest, the arms and legs are bent and close to the body. The embryonic position is also advisable because it allows you to bring the pregnancy to the term. It remains in the newborn for some time after birth.
Changes in a woman's body at 15 weeks of gestation
All changes that occur to the fetus, one way or another, affect the condition of the pregnant woman.
The belly at 15 weeks of gestation is already clearly visible, the height of the fundus of the uterus above the bosom is 13 - 15 cm.
In connection with the intensive formation of the skeletal system in the fetus, the need for calcium and phosphorus sharply increases. He takes these substances from the mother's body, so a lack of calcium can first reveal itself at 15 weeks of pregnancy with deterioration in dental health and cramps in the calf muscles, especially at night.
During this period, the hormonal background more or less stabilizes, but it can make itself felt with symptoms of choking at night, rhinitis in pregnant women, or even nosebleeds. The occurrence of rhinitis is explained by the fact that the volume of blood circulating in the vessels increases, and more blood also begins to pass through the nasal mucosa, which causes its reactive edema. You should not be afraid of the listed symptoms, at the 15th week of pregnancy they are regarded as a variant of the norm.

A woman's hair stops renewing and shedding, because of this, their appearance may even improve at the 15th week of pregnancy. This phase of hair growth is also associated with hormonal changes, namely, with the influence of progesterone. After childbirth, old hair usually begins to fall out and renew itself intensively.
Age spots may appear on the skin (especially around the face, chest and abdomen). At the same time, freckles, nipples and areolae may become more pronounced.
Discharging a small amount of colostrum from the nipples at 15 weeks gestation is a training for breastfeeding after childbirth and a sign that the mother will have enough milk.
Normally, there should be no pain at 15 weeks of gestation. Sometimes a woman may experience mild discomfort due to stretching of the uterine ligaments. These unpleasant sensations can be overcome by using a prenatal bandage that redistributes the weight of the growing tummy. It is also recommended to limit physical activity.
Examination at 15 weeks of gestation
Ultrasound at 15 weeks of gestation is not routinely shown. With this examination method, you can now easily determine the sex of the fetus.
15 weeks is considered the best time for amniocentesis - to obtain amniotic fluid for examination. The analysis can give information about the content of bilirubin and proteins, hormones, about the group belonging of the fetus. Such research is needed by women with multiple previous miscarriages, genetic diseases, and sometimes with a negative blood group according to the Rh system. At 15 weeks of gestation, amniocentesis is safe because the uterus is inert.
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