5 Weeks Pregnant - Belly, Fetal Size

5 Weeks Pregnant - Belly, Fetal Size
5 Weeks Pregnant - Belly, Fetal Size

5 weeks pregnant

Embryo weight at 5 weeks of gestation - up to 1 gram
Embryo weight at 5 weeks of gestation - up to 1 gram

The 5th week of pregnancy in obstetrics is counted from the 1st day of the last menstrual bleeding of a woman. If her menstrual cycle is 28 days, then 5 weeks in time correspond to the first week of the delay of the next menstruation.

The 5th week of pregnancy begins her second lunar month.

Fetal changes

At 5 weeks of gestation, the size of the fetus is about 5 - 6 mm, weighs up to 1 gram and is called an embryo. The embryo floats in a fluid-filled bubble, the gill slits and tail are already beginning to disappear.

The embryonic period lasts the first 8 weeks of pregnancy, from the moment the placenta is formed, the embryonic period is replaced by the fetal one.

At the 5th week of pregnancy, the rudiments of many organs and systems are developing rapidly. It was during this period that:

  • Pancreas;
  • Liver;
  • Upper respiratory tract;
  • Lower respiratory tract;
  • Urinary system;
  • Endocrine system;
  • Cloaca.

From the outer germ layer, the neural tube continues to develop, from which the spinal cord and spine will form in the future. Within 5 weeks, the neural tube is partially overgrown on one side. An important role in this is played by folic acid, which is prescribed to all pregnant women as a preventive measure at the stage of pregnancy planning and in the early stages. The entire central nervous system then develops from the neural tube. On the sides of it, the rudiments of muscle tissue are laid.

The heart, the rudiment of which was formed in the form of a narrow tube a week earlier, begins its first, not yet very regular contractions. At first, it contracts a little less often - about 124 - 128 beats per minute.

In an embryo at 5 weeks, one can see the rudiments of the eyes, the eye sockets, the gap in the place of the mouth and nose on the face, and the rudiments of the arms and legs in the form of tubercles on the sides of the body. Where there are fingers, you can already see their rudimentary elements.

By the end of the 5th week of pregnancy, the upper lip is formed, and if some unfavorable factors have affected the embryo during this period, a congenital defect may form in the unborn child - a non-closure of the upper lip, popularly known as "cleft lip".

At the 5th week of pregnancy, the precursors of future germ cells (sperm and eggs) are formed - gonoblasts, and blood cells begin to form in the yolk sac.

Changes in a woman's body

At the 5th week of pregnancy, symptoms of early toxicosis may appear - morning sickness, often turning into vomiting, profuse salivation, weakness and malaise. A pregnant woman may experience an irresistible craving for sour or salty foods. Early toxicosis lasts up to 12 weeks, and then its manifestations subside. If the signs of toxicosis are pronounced, you should consult a doctor.

At the 5th week of pregnancy, hormonal changes can make themselves felt with constipation (a relaxing effect on the muscles of the hormone progesterone) and some breast enlargement.

The abdomen at 5 weeks of gestation is the same size. Under the influence of a hormonal surge, discharge at the 5th week of pregnancy from the genital tract can become more abundant, normally they are transparent or whitish, odorless.

In the event that the stomach hurts at the 5th week of pregnancy, and the pains are accompanied by brown or bloody discharge from the genital tract, these are dangerous signs of miscarriage.

Examination at 5 weeks of gestation

Fetal size at 5 weeks of gestation - 5-6 mm
Fetal size at 5 weeks of gestation - 5-6 mm

At the 5th week of pregnancy, the next menstruation does not come on time. The pregnancy test will most often be positive. Modern test systems respond to minimal amounts of the hormone chorionic gonadotropin in the urine, and can show two stripes after the first day of missed periods.

At this time, you can already register for pregnancy with an obstetrician-gynecologist in a antenatal clinic. He will appoint the necessary research and expert advice.

On an ultrasound at the 5th week of pregnancy, the ovum attached to the wall of the uterus is clearly visible. Its dimensions, together with the surrounding membranes and waters, are about 1 cm. When performing an ultrasound scan at the 5th week of pregnancy using expert-class devices, you can notice the first heartbeats, confirming that the embryo lives and develops.

Recommendations at 5 weeks of gestation

In the event that the next menstruation did not come while taking contraceptives or an intrauterine device, and the test showed 2 strips, then contraceptive measures should be stopped immediately.

If your stomach or lower back hurts at the 5th week of pregnancy, you should consult a doctor - this may be the first symptom of termination of pregnancy. Also, you should consult a doctor when bleeding begins, since there should be no bloody discharge at 5 weeks of pregnancy.

It is recommended to continue taking folic acid tablets, or switch to taking a multivitamin for pregnant women (as recommended by your doctor).

In the diet, you should adhere to a healthy lifestyle, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, fermented milk products, meat and fish. Alcohol in any form is prohibited.

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