Consequences Of Abortion: Types Of Abortion And Possible Complications

Consequences Of Abortion: Types Of Abortion And Possible Complications
Consequences Of Abortion: Types Of Abortion And Possible Complications

Consequences of abortion

Partial removal of the ovum - a possible consequence of vacuum abortion
Partial removal of the ovum - a possible consequence of vacuum abortion

Abortion is an artificial termination of pregnancy up to twenty two weeks. Various abortion methods are used depending on the length of the pregnancy. With any type of abortion, the risk of complications is high enough. For each method of abortion, there are negative complications and consequences of abortion. The risk of the consequences of abortion is significantly reduced if the method of termination of pregnancy is selected taking into account its duration.

Consequences of a mini abortion

In vacuum abortion (mini abortion), the ovum is removed with a special vacuum suction. Vacuum abortion is performed early in pregnancy (up to three weeks). This method of terminating a pregnancy is less traumatic for a woman, as it reduces the risk of damage to the uterus, bleeding and infection. Vacuum abortion should not be performed in case of inflammatory processes in the reproductive system, in acute and purulent infections, with a gestational age of more than three weeks.

Vacuum abortion is performed under local anesthesia. A special catheter is inserted into the uterine cavity. The catheter creates negative pressure in the uterus. Under the influence of negative pressure, the ovum can be brought out.

The consequences of a vacuum abortion can be subtle and go away on their own. Some of the consequences of a mini abortion can make themselves felt several years after the procedure. It is very important to timely identify and treat the consequences of abortion.

Partial removal of the ovum is the most common consequence of a vacuum abortion. At the same time, after an abortion, there are long-term profuse bleeding, cramping pains in the lower abdomen. With the partial removal of the ovum, an infection may join its decaying tissues. In this case, inflammatory processes flare up instantly. If the manifestations of the consequences of vacuum abortion are erased, a woman may not seek medical help in time.

The consequences of abortion of any kind (and vacuum abortion as well) can be expressed hormonal disorders - violation of the course of the menstrual cycle, irregular menstrual bleeding. Over time, these consequences of vacuum abortion can lead to the development of hormonal diseases and infertility.

The inflammatory process in the female genital organs is another dangerous consequence of abortion. The inflammation can begin in the wall of the uterus and gradually spread to the other genitals of the woman. In the tissue surrounding the cervix, abscesses are very often formed, enclosed in a capsule. If the capsule ruptures, then pus fills the pelvic cavity and breaks through to the surface of the body. Through the channels (fistulas), pus is able to move in different directions.

A particularly dangerous consequence of abortion is the transition of inflammation to the ovaries and fallopian tubes. The inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes can lead to the development of persistent infertility.

The consequences of medical abortion

Medical abortion is a procedure used to terminate a pregnancy using a variety of medicines. Medical abortion does not require surgery or anesthesia. This type of abortion can only be done in the early stages of pregnancy, before a strong emotional bond is established between the child and the mother. This method of abortion can be classified as gentle. The mucous membrane of the uterus with this type of abortion remains intact.

When a fetal egg is found in the uterus, a woman takes abortion pills (Mifegin, Mifepristone, Pencrofton) to terminate the pregnancy. Abortive pills stop the development of pregnancy in a woman's body.

Not all women are clear enough about the consequences of medical abortion. General weakness and bleeding are the most common consequences of this type of abortion.

Incomplete abortion is a very dangerous consequence of medical abortion. With incomplete abortion, only partial rejection of the fetus occurs. In this case, surgery may be required to permanently terminate the pregnancy. Another consequence of this type of abortion can be severe uterine bleeding and damage to the uterus.

Incomplete abortion is a possible consequence of medical abortion
Incomplete abortion is a possible consequence of medical abortion

But if no consequences of abortion manifest themselves, then medical termination of pregnancy in general will not affect future pregnancies.

Consequences of operational (surgical) abortion

Surgical abortion - removal of the ovum by scraping the lining of the uterus. The most dangerous consequences of this type of abortion can be infertility or the threat of miscarriages in subsequent pregnancies, adhesions in the fallopian tubes, in the small pelvis, perforation of the uterus with abortive instruments.

To exclude the negative consequences of an abortion two weeks after surgery, you must consult a doctor.

Precautions to Prevent the Consequences of Abortion

In order to minimize the consequences of abortion, certain rules must be strictly followed. In the first time after an abortion, it is necessary to exclude any physical activity. Sexual activity is prohibited for a month after the abortion. During sexual intercourse, an infection can be introduced into the uterine cavity. For the contraction of the uterus, it is very important to monitor the timely emptying of the bladder and intestines.

If you experience painful sensations in the lower abdomen, bleeding and other unpleasant consequences of abortion, you should consult a doctor.

Particular attention should be paid to genital hygiene. The genitals must be rinsed with warm water with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Since the cervix remains ajar, it is necessary to change your underwear as often as possible. The first two to three weeks after the abortion, it is advisable to wash only under the shower. To prevent the onset of the consequences of abortion, you should refrain from swimming in the river, sea, pool, as well as from douching. If your menstrual cycle occurs earlier or is delayed, you should see your doctor.

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