Month after abortion
The first month after an abortion is a very important period, which greatly affects the further health of a woman.

The next weeks after the intervention, it is necessary to follow all the doctor's recommendations, which are aimed at restoring the body and preventing complications of abortion.
The first month after a conservative abortion
In the early stages, it is possible to use medical abortion or vacuum aspiration. These techniques are considered conservative and cause less damage to the woman's body. Reviews after an abortion of this type usually emphasize the good tolerance of the procedure. The first 10 days after the interruption may be menstrual flow. During this period, it is necessary to observe personal hygiene, give up intimate life, limit physical and emotional stress.
Conservative intervention is a great stress for the body. To reduce the severity of the consequences, you need to drink a course of fortifying vitamins. For this purpose, you can use almost any multicomponent preparation. Pay special attention to the presence of antioxidants in the composition.
In the first month after an abortion of a conservative type, a woman needs to carefully monitor her health. Episodes of loss of consciousness, an increase in body temperature, sharp pain in the lower abdomen should be the reason for seeking medical attention.
A month after the abortion, menstruation should come. The duration and intensity of discharge should approximately correspond to the usual for a given woman. Normally, the cycle does not last more than 10 days. If your period has not come, then see your doctor immediately. There may be several reasons, including the ineffectiveness of abortion.
The first month after an abortion with curettage
From 7 to 12 weeks a classic operative abortion is performed as standard. This method has proven to be very reliable. Indeed, scraping in almost 100% of cases ends with abortion and complete removal of the ovum from the uterus. The first month after this type of abortion, special precautions must be taken. Since scraping damages the vessels of the uterine wall, the menstrual reaction lasts long enough. If the abortion is done later than 9 weeks, then moderate discharge is possible throughout the month.
After interruption, intimate life can be resumed only after 30 days. This recommendation not only protects against pregnancy, but also helps to avoid inflammation in the genitals.
In the first month after an abortion, you need to take several medicines, which the gynecologist will prescribe. The first week requires modern broad-spectrum antibacterial agents. These can be pills or injections. It is important to undergo a course of treatment exactly according to the scheme. In addition, iron supplements are often prescribed to combat the effects of bleeding. Hemoglobin helps to restore and regular nutrition.
Menstruation begins 30-40 days after curettage. The delay should be alarming and be the reason for contacting a gynecologist.
A month after an abortion, you need to take care of yourself in every sense of the word. You can not overcool, overheat, sunbathe, swim in open water, take a bath, overeat, work night shifts, and play sports intensively.
Contraception in the first month after abortion
Although a month after an abortion, intimate life is prohibited, doctors recommend that you immediately start taking combined oral contraceptives. These drugs are believed to reduce the risk of inflammation, hormonal imbalance and endometrial pathology after abortion. These pills normalize the function of the neuroendocrine glands, help the body survive stress after an abortion. In the first month after an abortion, many women do engage in intimate relationships. Taking combined oral contraceptives from the first day after the intervention helps prevent unwanted pregnancies. It is necessary to take contraceptives for at least 3-4 months. During this time, most women recover the normal functioning of the reproductive system.
Mood in the first month after an abortion
About one million abortions are performed in Russia every year. Less than 10% of procedures are performed for medical reasons. More often, a woman makes the decision to terminate an unwanted pregnancy of her own free will. In the first month after an abortion, a woman experiences the psychological consequences of such a choice. If the pregnancy had to be terminated, succumbing to the persuasion of relatives, then the experiences will be especially strong. In difficult cases, depression, asthenic syndrome, obsessive states can form.
The first months after an abortion are often challenging for couples. Although the decision to get rid of a child often has a solid rational basis, it still opposes a man and a woman, violates the harmony of their union.

If, a month after the abortion, emotional experiences remain intense, sleep, appetite, and performance are disturbed, it is worth seeking help from a family psychologist or psychotherapist.
Reviews after abortion
There are many resources on the Internet devoted to abortion. You can also find many reviews after an abortion. Not everything written is worth believing. Much is written by anti-abortion activists. While their attitude inspires sympathy and respect, the stories of real patients are more interesting.
In real responses after an abortion of any type, women describe discomfort, lingering discharge, pain in the lower abdomen. Some of the stories describe more favorable situations when no complications arose.
Reviews after an abortion concern only isolated cases. Time will show what consequences artificial termination of pregnancy will have for each specific woman.
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