7 snacks that won't hurt your figure
When the feeling of hunger overcomes, and there is no opportunity to fully dine, snacks come to the rescue - small-sized meals that stabilize blood sugar levels. Nutritionists are mostly negative about snacks, but only because for this people choose high-calorie foods with an increased amount of fast carbohydrates: cookies, buns, chips, candy. Nevertheless, the benefits of snacking for weight loss are obvious: a person avoids the strong feeling of hunger that accompanies overeating, and does not gain weight … but only if the foods for such a meal are selected correctly.
Nuts are the ideal hunger-satisfying food. Fats in all types of nuts contribute to slow digestion, which creates a long-lasting feeling of fullness. In addition, nuts are very useful: they stimulate the brain, give strength and endurance, fight neurotic conditions and cardiovascular diseases. The high concentration of nutrients in nuts allows us to call them a natural vitamin complex, the regular use of which, according to scientists, prolongs life by 3-5 years. However, do not forget that nuts are also a fairly high-calorie product, so they should be snacked with caution, eating no more than 30 g per day.

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Fruit is a favorite of most people and can be used with health benefits in any snack. The most suitable for these purposes are apples rich in fiber in combination with nuts or low-fat yogurt (apples in their pure form, due to the content of a large amount of natural acids, will only whet the appetite). For a healthy snack, choose low glycemic fruits (kiwi, oranges, grapefruits, peaches, pears, plums) and berries such as strawberries and cherries. A couple of fruits as a snack will not only relieve hunger, but also enrich the body with the vitamins and microelements it needs.

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Tea with honey
Warm green tea with a teaspoon of honey is much healthier than traditional coffee with milk and sugar, a drink whose calories surpass the nutritional value of a butter and cheese sandwich. Antioxidant-rich tea can help stimulate mental alertness, while added honey can help you feel fuller. Regular consumption of the drink will have a beneficial effect on metabolism and lead to weight loss.

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Dairy products
Yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese are ideal snack foods that enrich the body with protein and calcium. By maintaining a stable blood sugar level, proteins provide a feeling of fullness for a long time and, being low in calories, do not add extra pounds. In addition, the substances contained in dairy products help a person to overcome nervousness and irritability. From the point of view of benefits for the figure, it is recommended to purchase fermented milk drinks with a minimum percentage of fat content and not to use them with a bun.

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Muesli without sugar
Muesli made from pressed cereals, fruits, seeds, nuts and honey is a very satisfying and unusually healthy product, named by its creator, a Swiss naturopathic physician M. Bircher-Benner, a recipe for health. Due to its high content of untreated fiber, as well as a shock dose of trace elements and other substances, muesli is an ideal breakfast. When using muesli as a snack, it is important to pay attention to the calorie content and choose a product without sugar and chocolate, fortified with dried fruit or honey.

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Smoothies (milkshakes with fruit juice) have long been used overseas as a lunch and healthy snack. For the base of the smoothie, take yogurt or milk, then mix it with fresh or dry fruits, natural juices, and sometimes oatmeal. All ingredients in the smoothie are low in calories, nutritious and healthy for the stomach. The advantage of a smoothie is that a cocktail prepared in advance is stored in the refrigerator in any container and can be consumed without the aid of a spoon.

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Dried fruits
When the body requires something sweet, it is more useful to have a snack with dried fruits, rather than sweets and cookies. For saturation, it is enough to consume no more than 100 g of a mixture of dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, prunes), 1-2 handfuls of which can not only satisfy hunger, but also charge the body with physical and mental energy, so necessary for fruitful work. Thanks to a concentrated dose of vitamins, dried fruits will strengthen the body's defenses and help successfully overcome mood swings and depression.

Source: depositphotos.com
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Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author
Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".
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