Enemies of the figure: 9 foods that increase appetite
There is no person who, at least once in his life, would not want to change his figure for the better. Dreams are usually associated with weight loss. At the same time, we regularly consume foods that contribute to weight gain. Today we will talk about these enemies of the figure and how to replace them with less high-calorie foods.
White bread
Any baked goods made from premium flour is a concentrated set of fast carbohydrates. Eating a couple of white bread sandwiches or a bun can overload the body with glucose. To utilize sugars, a loading dose of insulin enters the bloodstream.
The sensations after such a snack look like this: a person is quickly satiated, and after an hour and a half there is a strong hunger. Thus, the consequence of eating white bread is unplanned and unnecessary meals for the body, overeating and gaining excess weight.

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Alcohol intake is usually accompanied by the use of fatty or spicy snacks, which is harmful to the figure. At the moment of a cheerful feast, a person, as a rule, ceases to control the amount of food eaten. In addition, getting into the body, alcohol activates the process of utilizing carbohydrates, which stimulates appetite and becomes the reason for subsequent overeating.

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Freshly squeezed juices
Fruits and vegetables are very useful and necessary for the normal functioning of the body, however, it is hardly possible to say the same about freshly squeezed juice. The named drink contains a huge amount of natural sugars, but is practically devoid of fiber, which is necessary for digestion.
A glass of fruit juice, drunk on an empty stomach, provokes the release of insulin, and then a sharp drop in its concentration in the blood. This process is accompanied by an acute feeling of hunger. For a person trying to lose weight, this means an inevitable violation of the diet.

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Soy products
Foods containing soy or processed foods are rich in isoflavones. These substances act on the body like female sex hormones - estrogens. An imbalance in estrogen in the body provokes the growth of body fat.
Unscrupulous producers often add soy to various semi-finished products and ready meals without notifying consumers about it. That is why a person who cares about his figure should not eat fast food, canned food and other dishes with a complex composition, produced in an industrial way.

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Sugar substitutes
Diabetes sufferers are forced to replace sugar with artificial sweeteners due to the fact that their production of insulin, a hormone necessary for the utilization of sugar, is disrupted. When the sugar substitute is ingested, the taste buds send signals to the brain that insulin is needed. Insulin enters the bloodstream, but blood glucose does not appear. The "deceived" organism reacts with an acute feeling of hunger. If this stress is repeated regularly, metabolism can be disrupted, up to the development of diabetes.

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Breakfast cereals
Muesli, cereals, sweet pads, instant porridge and other breakfast cereals are convenient and marketed as healthy. In fact, overuse is fraught with health problems, including weight gain. Ready-made breakfasts are almost entirely composed of fast carbohydrates, that is, they quickly saturate, but at the same time provide an attack of acute hunger in just a couple of hours, which is fraught with an excessively plentiful lunch or unplanned snacks.

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Pickles and marinades
A moderate amount of properly prepared canned vegetables will not harm a healthy person. The trouble is that you rarely manage to limit yourself to one or two cucumbers or tomatoes. These delicacies are usually accompanied by heavier foods, rich in fats and carbohydrates, and it is not surprising: the salt, vinegar and spices found in marinades increase the sensitivity of taste buds and stimulate an appetite that is difficult to resist.

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The sauce, so beloved by Russians, is a real food bomb. There are appetite stimulants (vinegar, salt and mustard), sugar, and a huge amount of not the most useful fat. It is difficult to come up with a more dangerous combination for the figure.

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Spices and flavors
Condiments (especially hot and spicy) change the taste of other foods, making them more tempting and forcing a person to eat more than necessary. Artificial flavors (eg monosodium glutamate) are even more effective in this regard. If a person constantly eats dishes that contain these substances, food that does not contain them begins to seem boring and insipid to him. People who often eat fast food often acquire a real addiction to flavorings, and with it the prospect of obesity.

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What to use instead of foods that are harmful to the figure? White bread can be replaced with more useful baked goods made from second-grade flour (it contains fiber and some vitamins that disappear when the grain is ground). Cereal breads and bran-containing varieties are good for inclusion in the daily menu.
Limit the use of marinades and hot spices. When used in moderation, they spice up food without harming the figure. About mayonnaise and other multicomponent ready-made sauces, as well as dishes that contain soy, we can say only one thing: the less often, the better. This also applies to alcohol: the products accompanying it on the festive table are not suitable for the daily diet. You should also be careful with fresh juices. The harm they can do to the body may be more significant than the benefit. It is much healthier to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, or make smoothies and juices with pulp.
Dreaming of a good figure, you need to resolutely abandon ready-made breakfasts. Any traditional porridge will successfully replace them and will not harm the body. It is equally important to avoid convenience foods and fast food outlets. These products are packed with addictive flavors. The use of sugar substitutes is unacceptable: they are not intended for the nutrition of healthy people and, contrary to common misconception, do not help to lose weight.
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Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author
Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".
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