Brucellosis - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

Brucellosis - Dictionary Of Medical Terms
Brucellosis - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

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Brucellosis [brucellosis; brucella (Brucella, Ber - Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology) + Greek -sis (word-form suffix) - disease; synonyms: melitococation, melitokokkosis, undulatory fever, Mediterranean fever, Brucella fever, Maltese fever, Maltese fever Banga disease] is an infectious disease, a member of the group of bacterial zoonoses, excited by microorganisms of the genus Brucella, transmitted by contact or alimentary means from sick animals to humans; usually proceeds as a chroniosepsis with relapses and exacerbations, a polymorphic clinical picture.

Allocate brucellosis:

  • Goat-sheep type: excitable Brucella melitensis etiological variant of brucellosis; in humans, it has a severe course with various complications and multiple relapses;
  • Bovine type: excitable Brucella abortus etiological variant of brucellosis; in humans, it differs in a relatively mild course of the disease;
  • Acute (acuta): a clinical form of brucellosis characterized by profuse sweating, chills, fever, arthritis, polyadenitis, intoxication, enlarged spleen and liver, neuro-vegetative disorders and leukopenia;
  • Porcine type: excitable Brucella suis etiological variant of brucellosis; in humans, it is rare and differs in a relatively easy course;
  • Chronic (chronica): a clinical form of brucellosis, characterized by a prolonged course and a variety of symptoms that form in accordance with the predominant lesion of certain systems and organs against the background of an allergic organism.

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