Wart - Glossary Of Medical Terms

Wart - Glossary Of Medical Terms
Wart - Glossary Of Medical Terms

Table of contents:



Wart (verruca) - a benign skin neoplasm in the form of a papilla or nodule, the basis of which is the proliferation of cells in the papillary layer of the dermis and epidermis; caused by the human papillomavirus from the papovavirus family, transmitted by contact.

Types of warts:

  • Pointed (acuminata; synonym: condyloma genital) - most often located in the intergluteal and inguinal folds, as well as on the skin of the genitals, a wart, which is a pink formation, in shape resembling a cauliflower inflorescence on a narrowed base;
  • Flat (plana; synonym: youthful wart) - a wart located on the back of the hands and on the face of young people in the form of a small flattened rounded papule, somewhat protruding above the level of the surrounding skin and not differing from it in color;
  • Dense (obsolete; dura) - The generic name for a flat and simple wart;
  • Plantar (plantaris; synonym: horny wart) - characterized by soreness and located in the places of greatest pressure on the soles, a simple callus-shaped wart with papillary growths under the horny masses;
  • Simple (vulgaris; synonym: common wart) - more often localized on the hands, a wart in the form of a grayish dense nodule (up to 0.5 cm in diameter) with a rough surface;
  • Soft (mollis) is an outdated common name for tumor-like pigmented formations developing on the skin with nevi and Recklinghausen's disease.

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