Medical terms
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Vitamin B3 (niacin) influences the formation of energy from carbohydrates and also controls blood glucose
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Abdominoplasty is a surgical abdominal plasty, with the help of which you can get rid of irregularities in the proportions of the structure, which is caused by overstretching of muscles and the deposition of subcutaneous fat
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Blepharoplasty - a surgical operation to correct and change the shape of the eyes and the shape of the eyelids
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Hymenoplasty - plastic surgery performed to eliminate the consequences of sexual experience in girls
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Facial contouring is a cosmetic method for removing fine and deep wrinkles, which is carried out by injections of a gel
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Circular facelift - plastic surgery that removes wrinkles, sagging skin, corrects nasolabial folds and other signs of skin aging
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Mentoplasty or chin plastic surgery is a surgical operation that removes defects and also corrects the shape and size of the chin
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Otoplasty - plastic surgery performed to correct the shape of the ears
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Breast reduction surgery is called reduction mammoplasty and is often performed to improve health
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Buttock augmentation with silicone implants is a popular method of body shaping, which is successfully performed by modern plastic surgery
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Mammoplasty is a plastic surgery performed on the mammary glands in order to change their shape and size
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Septoplasty (laser or endoscopic) is a surgical operation performed to correct the deformity (curvature) of the nasal septum
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Breast augmentation is one of the directions of mammoplasty, plastic surgery performed under general anesthesia
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Synesthesia is a very interesting mental phenomenon of perception. A typical example of this concept is the so-called color hearing
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In social psychology, individualization is one of the main stages of socialization. This is the process of the formation of a personality according to its individual properties
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In psychology, interiorization is understood as the process by which interpersonal relationships are transformed into intrapersonal relationships
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Behaviorism, as a trend in psychology, literally means the science of behavior. Its founder, John Watson, proposed a diagram to explain the behavior of humans and other living things
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Introspection is a method of in-depth research and knowledge of a person's thoughts, images, feelings. This is one of the main classical methods of cognition of mental phenomena
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Social perception is a concept that denotes the perception, understanding and assessment of people around them and themselves. The term was introduced by the American psychologist J. Bruner in the middle of the XX century
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Psychologists say that the compatibility of a man and a woman is the key to a strong relationship. Both psychological and physical (sexual) compatibility play a role here
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Human traits are formed under the influence of many different factors. There are both positive and negative traits in the character of each individual
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The term affiliation in psychology means the need for communication, emotional contacts, friendship, love. Affiliation tendencies increase with various stressful situations
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What is the secret of family well-being? This is a question that people will never stop asking, because everyone wants to achieve harmony in a relationship
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A woman in modern society acts not only as a keeper of the hearth. Careers and businesses often come to the fore, where women achieve significant results
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Altruism is the behavior of an individual, meaning the ability to selflessly sacrifice one's own interests in favor of the interests of another person. Altruism is of several types
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Egoism is a person's behavior, completely focused on his own I. The highest good for an egoist is the satisfaction of his own, personal interests
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The relationship between temperament and character has long been studied by scientists. A person's temperament definitely influences the formation of his character. How is it?
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Conformity is a change in behavior or belief in response to a real or group belief. The degree of personality conformity depends on several factors
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Reflection in psychology is a person's thinking aimed at introspection. A person analyzes his own state, his actions and past events
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Bacteria (bacteria, singular bacterium) - microorganisms characterized by the absence of a clear nuclear membrane, as a result, are considered more primitive compared to animal and plant cells (the overwhelming number of antibiotics are aimed at destroying the walls of bacterial cells)
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Ballistocardiography is a method for studying the hemodynamic activity of the heart, based on the graphic registration of changes in the position of the human body caused by contractions of the heart and the movement of blood in large vessels
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Beck's operation is a surgical operation in which arterialization is performed; a surgical operation in which a bone is drilled with a thin drill or wire
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Proteins (protein) (proteinum, pl. Proteina) - polymers containing amino acids linked by a peptide bond in a specific sequence; are the main and necessary component of all organisms
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Pregnancy (lat.graviditas) is a physiological process taking place in a woman's body, in which a fetus capable of extrauterine existence develops from a fertilized egg, two or more fetuses can form simultaneously
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Infertility (sterilitas) - the inability of a mature organism to produce offspring
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Bilirubin (bilirubin bilis - bile + German Rubin, from Latin ruber - red) is a yellow-red bile pigment that is a product of enzymatic reduction of biliverdin in the liver and other organs
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Bandage (German Binde - bandage, bandage) is a general name for tubular or tape-shaped medical devices used to apply and fix bandages; bandages also include products that are similar in shape and are used for the treatment and prevention of certain surgical diseases
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Biopsy (biopsia; Greek bios - life related to life, to life processes + Greek opsis - vision, visual perception) - intravital sampling of a small volume of tissue for microscopic examination for diagnosis
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Biochemistry (Greek bios - life related to life, to life processes + Greek chymeia, from chymos - juice) is a science that studies the chemical nature of substances that are part of living organisms, and the chemical processes underlying their vital activity
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Blepharospasm (blepharospasmus; Greek blepharon - eyelid + Greek spasmos - spasm) - contraction (spasm) of the secular part of the circular muscle of the eye