Breast Reduction - Surgery, Reasons, Reviews

Breast Reduction - Surgery, Reasons, Reviews
Breast Reduction - Surgery, Reasons, Reviews

Breast reduction

The principle of breast reduction surgery
The principle of breast reduction surgery

Women who are dissatisfied with the shape and size of their breasts can be conditionally divided into those who want to enlarge their breasts and those who need to reduce it. If in the first case, the operation is performed solely to improve aesthetics, then breast reduction is often a necessary operation to improve a woman's health.

Plastic surgery to reduce breast size is called reduction mammoplasty.

Breast reduction reasons

It is up to a specialist to determine whether a woman really has reasons for breast reduction and how serious they are, who will explain the complexity of the procedure, adjust to the result, and familiarize with the possible risks and rules of behavior in the postoperative period.

Not all owners of large breasts consider it a disadvantage, and only serious health problems can cause thinking about its reduction. A breast mass of more than 0.5 kg puts a large load on the spine, which significantly increases the risk of acquiring the following problems:

  • Pain in the thoracic spine and neck, radiating to the shoulders;
  • Mastodynia - chest pain;
  • Difficulty breathing (since women are characterized by chest breathing);
  • Irritation, diaper rash and inflammation of the skin under the breast;
  • Difficulty in diagnosing breast disease;
  • Restriction of physical activity.

With age, all these problems only get worse. Due to the uneven load on the spine, osteochondrosis and scoliosis occur, and the back and neck are subjected to great stress, which causes migraines and muscle pain. The close connection of the spine with internal organs leads to a deterioration in overall well-being. Posture is inevitably impaired and gait worsens. It is in such cases that breast reduction, according to the reviews of women who have decided on this operation, is the only possible option for gaining a chance for a new life without chronic pain and problems.

Preparing for breast reduction surgery

If the decision to undergo breast reduction surgery is made to increase the chance of a successful outcome, the following conditions must be met before the operation:

  • Get examined by a mammologist and do a mammogram;
  • If you follow any diet, achieve the final result before the start of the operation, since weight loss after the operation will negatively affect the appearance of the bust;
  • Eat enough vegetables and fruits, meat and fish for good nutrition. Additionally, you can take vitamins;
  • Smokers should quit smoking at least two weeks before the upcoming surgery, since smoking is a negative factor in healing after reduction mammoplasty;
  • Stop taking medications that reduce blood clotting (such as aspirin) two weeks before surgery and do not take them for a week after surgery.

You should be aware that breast reduction surgery is not recommended for women who are going to breastfeed in the future, women with a high degree of obesity, as well as those with heart, kidney or respiratory system diseases.

Breast reduction surgery

Breast reduction surgery is called reduction mammoplasty
Breast reduction surgery is called reduction mammoplasty

In plastic surgery, breast reduction surgery is considered one of the most difficult, given the large volumes of tissue fragments removed, as well as the need to maintain blood supply in the transferred areas. In order to correctly choose one of the methods of reduction (reduction) mammoplasty, you need to know that:

  • Large breasts can be reduced to as small as desired;
  • Modern surgery makes it possible to perform breast reduction surgery in one step without reference to further corrective operations;
  • After the operation, the nipples with areolas should look natural, the diameter of the areolas can be reduced if necessary;
  • The operated breast should not lactate, so the operation can be planned six months after the cessation of lactation and at least one year before pregnancy.

Currently, in countries with developed insurance medicine, breast reduction surgery is included in the insurance policy as reconstructive plastic surgery and is done free of charge, solely for the purpose of improving women's health.

Immediately before the operation, the surgeon applies the lines of the proposed incisions to the patient in the "standing" position, depending on the characteristics of her structure and wishes regarding the aesthetic result after breast reduction. During the operation, the removal of excess glandular and adipose tissue, as well as excess stretched skin is performed. In most cases, the nipple is moved to a new position, and a new breast is formed from the remaining tissue.

On average, the operation lasts 2-3 hours, depending on the individual characteristics and the volume of surgery. Upon completion of the operation, a pressure sterile elastic bandage is applied, which is replaced by compression underwear in a day.

The period of recovery and rehabilitation after breast reduction, according to the patients, is quite painless, provided that all the recommendations received in the clinic are followed.

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