How To Achieve Family Well-being: The Main Factors And Conditions For Mutual Understanding

How To Achieve Family Well-being: The Main Factors And Conditions For Mutual Understanding
How To Achieve Family Well-being: The Main Factors And Conditions For Mutual Understanding

How to achieve family well-being

Mandatory conditions for family well-being
Mandatory conditions for family well-being

It is known that any marriage union in the process of development goes through not only happy periods, but also stages of crises. There is no family that does not face various problems or misunderstandings in specific situations, and this is no exception to the rule: rather, a pattern. It is just important to understand that in order to achieve family well-being, it is necessary to deal with such crises with joint efforts, as well as to build harmonious relations in a marriage union. In this article, we will look at the main factors and conditions that promote mutual understanding in a married couple and strengthen marriage.

Family well-being factors

The first condition for family well-being, naturally, is the love and affection of the spouses. And the importance of such feelings in this matter is unlikely to be denied by anyone. At the same time, it should be noted that marriage alone cannot last for a long time. After all, the mutual passion and romantic mood that characterize the initial period of a relationship do not last as long as we would like.

This is due to the force of habit, since sooner or later a person gets used to his partner and no longer strives to win his love with the same strength. It is a mistake to believe that at this stage, feelings fade away and a harsh life begins. Indeed, in order to achieve family well-being, it is necessary to approach such a turn of events with understanding and confidence that it will not interfere with real feelings.

If the spouses expect that mutual enthusiasm at the beginning of the relationship will be enough for them for many years of a happy life together, they will very soon doubt their beliefs. After all, the marriage union is not only romantic walks in the evenings and beautiful declarations of love: the family also presupposes a common life, and, consequently, worries and problems. Not everyone is ready for such a test, which is why many couples get divorced without having lived together for several years.

Experts have identified the main factors of family well-being that should be taken into account by everyone who is going to start a life together with a loved one:

  • Spouse-oriented;
  • Sympathy and trust;
  • Communication without conflicts;
  • Understanding;
  • Sexual satisfaction;
  • Material well-being.

The focus on the spouse is the most important condition for family well-being, since it serves as the basis for mutual understanding. It involves an attentive attitude to the interests, preferences, habits of a loved one. Ideally, spouses should only act in accordance with each other's wishes and needs.

Sympathy and trust are also essential factors in family well-being, because if you do not feel sympathy for the person with whom you are going to live, the marriage is doomed to failure. And when there is no trust in a relationship, love gradually fades away, as eternal suspicion, jealousy and discontent take its place.

Normal communication without constant quarrels and conflicts should be present in every good family. People need to share their emotions, impressions and experiences with loved ones, so you need to create an atmosphere at home that disposes spouses to mutual frankness and trusting relationships.

Mutual understanding is one of the most important conditions for family well-being. In order to achieve it, spouses will need a lot of time and trials. But the key point here is condescension and tolerance towards each other, which are excellent qualities for building a strong family.

Sexual satisfaction also very often comes over the years of living together, because partners do not immediately recognize each other's preferences: it takes time and desire. When people are connected by mutual strong feelings, almost all problems of a sexual nature are solvable. This is due to the strong desire of both to please their spouse.

The material security of the family is also an important factor in family well-being. It's no secret that financial difficulties, which are chronic in nature, very quickly affect the relationship of a married couple. Household problems that cannot be solved, debts and nervous stress caused by all this prevent people from enjoying their feelings and living in harmony. After all, the lion's share of family conflicts is associated with the topic of money.

Family well-being symbols

Recently, the teaching of Feng Shui has become widespread, with the help of which many people call on material security, harmony in relationships and love to their home. To do this, you just need to know what the main symbols of family well-being exist in this teaching:

  • Aquarium;
  • Turtle;
  • The Dragon;
  • Phoenix.

The aquarium is one of the main symbols of family well-being in material terms. It is believed to attract money to the house, so it is best to put goldfish in it and, of course, do not forget to feed them and clean the aquarium in time.

Key factors for family well-being
Key factors for family well-being

The turtle is also a symbol of material wealth and health, so it is advised to get a live aquatic turtle that will live in the aquarium: this combination should provide a double effect.

The dragon is a symbol of family well-being, success in business and career growth. In addition, experts believe that he endows the inhabitants of the house with special energy that develops qualities such as determination and endurance.

Phoenix acts as a complement to the dragon, since in Chinese mythology they are considered spouses. He provides the family with fame, success and lasting relationships. In addition, if it is placed in the southern part of the house, then such a talisman will protect family members from all kinds of negative outside influences.

At the same time, it should be remembered that the best symbols of family well-being are, first of all, love and mutual understanding in the marriage union.

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