Woman In Modern Society - Position, Status, Problems

Woman In Modern Society - Position, Status, Problems
Woman In Modern Society - Position, Status, Problems

Woman in modern society

The social role of women in modern society
The social role of women in modern society

For many centuries, the main purpose of the beautiful half of humanity was the continuation of the race. The woman acted exclusively as the keeper of the hearth, while the man took upon himself all kinds of contact with the outside world. This, naturally, gave him the right to consider a woman much lower than himself in status, therefore, to treat her accordingly. But in our time of technological progress, scientific discoveries and feminism, the situation has changed dramatically. A woman in modern society has a completely different status and vocation; she has different values and needs that make her reconsider her views on the female role in today's world.

The position of women in modern society

As already mentioned, today the role of a woman in modern society is no longer limited to performing household duties, caring for children, raising them and serving a legal spouse. Now this position is considered outdated, and women who still choose it are perceived as supporters of conservative beliefs who almost voluntarily give themselves into slavery to a man.

In fact, this approach is erroneous in specific situations, when the fairer sex sees her vocation in the preservation of family values and does not seek to separate her own achievements from the success of her spouse. After all, the embodiment of personal ambitions, career growth and the status of independence, at least financially, do not seduce everyone to this day. Many women do not make these criteria an end in themselves, preferring to fully serve the family.

But here comes another extreme, since the position of a woman in modern society today is considered not only as a housewife, a faithful wife and a good mother. It often turns out that relatives and friends of the girl, and first of all her parents, from adolescence instill in her that the main thing in life is not a strong family, but a stable social status. Therefore, before you commit yourself to marriage, you need to be firmly on your feet and be financially independent. Home, husband, children - all this will be in time, and a career must be made as early as possible.

The arguments in this matter are warnings that if the spouse suddenly leaves the family, if the children are left without a father, if something else terrible happens, the woman should be ready for this. In fact, the position of women in modern society implies similar concerns, because today divorce is not considered something reprehensible or catastrophic. So the likelihood of the destruction of the marriage bond grows every year: people become more categorical and often do not want to endure even the slightest inconvenience in the marriage union.

It turns out that the task of a woman in the modern world is, first of all, to achieve success in work, career growth, material independence, and only then the status of a wife and mother. Thus, there is a so-called reassessment of values, which in turn leads to a rethinking of the meaning of the family and marital relations in the life of the weaker sex.

The status of women in modern society

Due to the fact that the social role of women in modern society has undergone radical changes in recent decades, naturally, the status of the fairer sex also changes in today's reality. So, psychologists today tend to consider the following main categories of women:

  • Leaders;
  • Careerists;
  • Housewives;
  • Holders of liberal professions.

Women leaders are in many ways similar to men in character traits: they are purposeful, confident in their own strengths and achieve everything on their own, without hoping for anyone's help.

Self-realization is the main goal of careerists, who always put work and achieving success in their careers first. Only after such results can they afford to think about starting a family and planning children.

The status of a woman in modern society who has chosen the role of a housewife is, as a rule, viewed today not from the best side. Of course, in some cases, a woman is quite happy to act only as the keeper of the hearth and a faithful friend of her husband. But often this choice is due to such properties of the character of the spouse as selfishness, possessiveness, jealousy, etc.

As for the liberal professions, artists, painters, journalists and poetesses are often simply too passionate about their work. They should not be confused with careerists, since it is not career growth that is important for them, but the very opportunity to do what they love. For them, it often comes first, while the family fades into the background.

Women's problems in modern society

Changes in the status and role of representatives of the fair half of humanity inevitably lead to a number of problems for women in modern society. Perhaps the most important of them is the change in the role of men against this background. That is, we can say that most women who talk about gender equality have a poor understanding of its consequences. Indeed, on the one hand, they want to have equal rights with the male population, and on the other, in specific issues, to remain the weaker sex.

The main problems of women in modern society
The main problems of women in modern society

But if we are talking about true equality, then women should be prepared for the fact that a man is not a protector, a breadwinner, and generally responsible for everything in the family. Here, the problem of a woman in modern society is the development of the weakness of a man who is nearby. He ceases to be a support and support for a woman, and his role begins to resemble the function of a close friend in her life.

In addition, female careerists have to live in rather harsh conditions of survival in the work sphere. But they choose this status themselves, so they gradually come to terms with the fact that they are competing with men on equal terms. Here another problem of women in modern society appears - the loss of such an important quality as femininity. This is fraught with both problems in personal life and purely psychological discomfort. After all, a woman who does not possess truly feminine qualities cannot become a full-fledged spouse for her husband and a mother for future children.

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