7 Regular Check-ups A Woman Should Undergo

7 Regular Check-ups A Woman Should Undergo
7 Regular Check-ups A Woman Should Undergo

7 regular check-ups a woman should undergo

Visiting doctors is not the most pleasant thing, and many are in no hurry to undergo routine examinations. This is extremely imprudent, because our health is needed not only for us: the well-being of loved ones, children, grandchildren and elderly parents directly depends on how vigorous and able-bodied we are. Therefore, being examined in time is the duty of any modern person. Experts believe that women especially need 7 regular check-ups and diagnostic procedures.


Among oncological diseases that a woman can develop, breast cancer ranks first in frequency. This is a very insidious ailment that is capable of not showing unpleasant symptoms for a long time. It is not uncommon for a tumor to metastasize to other organs by the time a specialist is consulted and the prognosis becomes not too optimistic.

It is surprisingly simple to avoid the sad development of events: you need to have regular mammograms. It can be done free of charge at any medical facility without a prior referral from a doctor. The procedure is affordable, painless, completely easy and has no contraindications. The result is early diagnosis of neoplasms. Women over 40 are advised to have a mammogram at least once a year.

Mammography is a study that allows you to identify breast neoplasms in the early stages
Mammography is a study that allows you to identify breast neoplasms in the early stages

Source: depositphotos.com

Examination by a dermatologist

Human skin is constantly exposed to various environmental factors, many of which have carcinogenic activity. With age, the risk of malignant skin neoplasms or pathological degeneration of existing moles, spots, etc. increases. In order not to start the ailment, you should examine yourself as often as possible for changes in the skin. And once a year, you need to visit a dermatologist who can assess the general condition of the skin and see specific signs of pathologies that are easy to miss by a non-specialist.

Examination by a dermatologist
Examination by a dermatologist

Source: depositphotos.com

Checking the condition of the thyroid gland

Disorders of the thyroid gland fatally affect the overall hormonal background, health and appearance. With age, the risk of such failures increases: they are observed in 10% of women over 50. It is from this age that blood should be donated annually for analysis of thyroid hormones. The fact is that the primary symptoms of this type of pathology (drowsiness, increased fatigue, sudden changes in weight, excessive sweating, dry skin) are very easy to confuse with signs of many other diseases, or simply attributed to age-related changes and fatigue. A blood test for hormones will allow you to check if there are any problems, and further examination by an endocrinologist will allow you to get the correct diagnosis and timely treatment.

Checking the condition of the thyroid gland
Checking the condition of the thyroid gland

Source: depositphotos.com

Visiting an optometrist

Everyone knows that you need to check your eyesight regularly, but, as a rule, only people who already have problems of this kind do it. Meanwhile, the constant use of electronic gadgets, working at a computer, and in general the modern way of life lead to the fact that vision now deteriorates much faster than that of our grandparents. Statistics show that diseases such as glaucoma and cataracts are steadily getting younger. There is only one way to notice the problem in time and maintain a high working capacity: by regularly visiting an ophthalmologist. Those who already wear glasses should do this at least once a year, and the rest can be limited to one examination every 2 years.

Examination by an ophthalmologist
Examination by an ophthalmologist

Source: depositphotos.com

Blood tests for cholesterol and sugar

The consumption of industrially manufactured foods carries an increased risk of accumulation of "bad" cholesterol in the body. This is fraught with sclerotization of the blood vessels and its consequences: strokes and heart attacks. People who do not have such problems yet need to donate blood at least once every 5 years to determine the level of cholesterol.

Few people manage to properly maintain the carbohydrate balance in the body today. No one is safe from such troubles as obesity and type 2 diabetes. An annual blood sugar test helps to control glucose metabolism and take timely action if it is impaired.

Blood test for sugar and cholesterol
Blood test for sugar and cholesterol

Source: depositphotos.com

Cytological smear

The most dangerous ailment is cervical cancer, one of the most common types of tumors in women. Its specificity is such that it develops completely asymptomatically for a long time. The patient begins to experience discomfort only after the tumor has given numerous metastases, but the possibility of successful treatment at this stage is problematic. Therefore, women under the age of 30 must annually take a cytological smear, the study of which makes it possible to notice cervical cancer at an early stage. With age, the risk of developing the disease decreases, the analysis can be done less often.

A cytological smear is a test that allows you to detect cervical cancer at an early stage
A cytological smear is a test that allows you to detect cervical cancer at an early stage

Source: depositphotos.com


Intestinal examination is a very important procedure. It is one of the most informative methods for detecting various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (including cancer). From the age of 50, every woman should undergo a colonoscopy at least once every 10 years (if there are no digestive problems). This study can hardly be called pleasant, but a competent specialist conducts it almost painlessly and as comfortably as possible for the patient.

Colonoscopy is a method that allows you to detect various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract
Colonoscopy is a method that allows you to detect various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract

Source: depositphotos.com

Regular examinations should not be neglected if they save you a lot of problems in the future. It is important to choose reliable specialists - then the result will pay off the costs and the time spent. Health is worth taking care of, and a woman needs to take care of herself.

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Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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