Determine the biological age of a person: 8 parameters to check
Each of us has repeatedly noticed that people with the same passport age are sometimes completely different from each other. One at 40 already looks almost old, and the other at 60 is young, energetic and full of life. The fact is that the state of our health does not depend on the number of years lived, but on the degree of safety of the organism. It is this factor that determines the biological age of a person.
There is no absolute system for measuring biological age. However, at home, you can pass a number of tests that show how worn out our body is. The results of such a mini-study make it possible to understand which age group the body of a particular person corresponds to.
Spine flexibility
Lean your body forward with your knees bent slightly. If you are 20-30 years old, you can place your palms on the floor. A 40-year-old man from this position can only reach the ground with his fingertips, and 50 years old can reach the middle of his legs with his hands.
Another way is to count the number of forward bends you can do in a minute. More than 50 movements corresponds to the age of 20; a 30-year-old bends 35 to 49 times a minute, a 40-year-old bends 30 to 34 times a minute, and a 50-year-old bends between 25 and 29 times. Over the age of 60, you can do no more than 24 inclines per minute.

Speed reaction
To conduct the test, you will have to resort to the services of an assistant. Ask a friend to take a ruler 50 cm long, the zero division should "look" at the floor. You should place your hand 10 cm below the zero end of the ruler. The assistant should suddenly release the ruler, and you should catch it at the moment of the fall, holding it between your thumb and forefinger. Reaction speed is measured by the divisions your fingers are on. In this case, the age matching table looks like this:
- 20 cm - 20 years old;
- 25 cm - 30 years old;
- 35 cm - 40 years old;
- 45 cm - 60 years old.

The state of the vestibular apparatus
You should close your eyes and try to stand on one leg (the other leg is raised 10 cm from the floor). Age matching is determined by the time during which you were able to maintain balance. For the age of 20, this is 30 seconds, 40 years - 20 seconds, 50 years - 15 seconds, 60 years and older - 10 seconds.

Peripheral vascular condition
Place your thumb and forefinger on the back of your hand, squeeze for 5 seconds and release. A white spot will appear on the skin. Notice the time it takes for it to disappear. In a 30-year-old person, it is about 5 seconds. The state of the vessels corresponding to 40 years will allow the skin to return to its normal color in 8 seconds. At 50, it takes 10 seconds, and at 60, 15 seconds.

Lung health
Lung safety is determined by the distance from which a person can blow out a burning candle. At 20 years old it is easy to do it from 1 m, at 40 years old - from 70-80 cm, and at 60 years old - from 50-60 cm.
The biological age is also established by the respiratory rate. To do this, you need to calculate how many cycles of deep inhalation and full exhalation you can do per minute. Age matching is as follows:
- 20 years - 40-45 cycles;
- 30 years - 35-39 cycles;
- 40 years - 30-34 cycles;
- 50 years - 20-29 cycles;
- 60 years - 15-19 cycles.

Preservation of joints
Put your hands behind your back (one on top, one on the bottom) and lock your fingers into the lock at the level of the shoulder blades. A 20-year-old man does it without any problem. At 30 years old, you can only get the fingers of one hand with the other, at 40 years old - to bring your hands together a short distance. It is difficult for a person over the age of 50 to even get both hands behind their back.

Central nervous system
This test requires a little preparation. Ask your assistant to draw on a piece of paper a plate consisting of five lines, five cells each, and write numbers from 1 to 25 in the cells, placing them randomly. Then take a pencil and try to quickly, without distraction, consistently touch the cells in ascending order of numbers (from 1 to 25). If you are 20 years old, this should take no more than 35 seconds. A 30-year-old will show a result from 36 to 40 seconds, a 40-year-old will do it in 41-50 seconds, a 50-year-old will spend about 60 seconds.

The male body is characterized by an inverse dependence of the frequency of realized sexual contacts on biological age. In a 20-year-old man, this indicator is 6-7 times a week, in a 30-year-old - 5-6 times, in a 40-year-old - 3-4 times. A man aged 50 years or more is able to experience and successfully realize sexual arousal no more than 2 times a week.

The organs and systems of the human body wear out differently over time, so the tests can show different biological ages. To find out the final result, you need to find the arithmetic mean of the measured parameters.
The rate at which our bodies wear out is associated with many factors. It is increased by illness, stress, bad habits, difficult living conditions and environmental conditions, a sedentary lifestyle. A person cannot always avoid difficulties and grief, but he is quite capable of taking care of his own health. In this case, he has a chance to preserve vigor of the body, clarity of mind and high working capacity until a ripe old age.
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Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author
Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".
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