How To Hide Your Biological Age

How To Hide Your Biological Age
How To Hide Your Biological Age

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How to hide your biological age

How to hide your biological age
How to hide your biological age

Thousands of articles have been written, millions of commercials shot, and billions of words have been spoken about how to hide your biological age. Actually, the entire modern beauty industry is built on a call to hide your biological age. After all, the appearance always corresponds precisely to the biological, and not the calendar age.

This is what advertising means when it promises: buy this cream, hair mask, foot massage bath and many more things, and you will look ten (fifteen, fifty) years younger. Meanwhile, there are methods that are much more effective, and at the same time much less expensive. They will not hide the biological age, but they will make it decrease on its own.

First you need to decide what is biological age? Biological age means the age that corresponds to the state of the human body. Interestingly, in children, it usually corresponds to their calendar age, and from about the age of 20-25, discrepancies appear. This is because a person's lifestyle influences biological age. An example is the research conducted on identical twins separated in childhood and leading different lifestyles. The chronological, or calendar, age of these people was the same, but the biological one varied significantly, respectively, the health status and appearance of people born the same were strikingly different.

Previously, it was possible to hide the biological age only with the help of a mask, and by no means a cosmetic one. Now the beauty industry is working for this purpose, including "heavy artillery" in the face of plastic surgery. In this case, the same effect is achieved as when using a mask. The biological age is masked, but does not change. And a person who looks 30 years old may have a calendar age of 40 years, and the deterioration of the body will correspond to 50 years. These 50 are the same hidden biological age. At your service are makeup, aesthetic medicine, a wide range of anti-aging skin care products, and of course the veil.

A person's lifestyle affects biological age
A person's lifestyle affects biological age

An effective way to reduce biological age is the way of a healthy lifestyle. An agile, fit person who eats properly and takes care of his health looks young. But most importantly, his body wears out much more slowly. Such a person may have a calendar age of 40 years, the state of his body will correspond to 25-30 years, and his appearance will be the appearance of a 28-year-old person. Needless to say, this path will bring much more benefits to a person's life than just trying to disguise biological age.

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