Biochemistry - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

Biochemistry - Dictionary Of Medical Terms
Biochemistry - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

Table of contents:



Biochemistry (Greek bios - life, related to life, to life processes + Greek chymeia, from chymos - juice) is a science that studies the chemical nature of substances that are part of living organisms, and the chemical processes underlying their vital activity.

Types of biochemistry:

  • Age - studying the characteristics of the chemical composition of body tissues and metabolic processes in different age periods;
  • Dynamic - engaged in the study of metabolism in the body from the moment nutrients enter it to the appearance of end products of metabolism, as well as the mechanisms for neutralizing toxic products, removing them from the body and regulating the rate of corresponding transformations;
  • Clinical - carrying out the study of changes in the chemical composition and metabolism in organs, tissues and fluids under various pathological conditions of the body; clinical biochemistry methods are used to assess the effectiveness of treatment of diseases and their diagnosis;
  • Radiation - studying the metabolic changes occurring in the body under the influence of ionizing radiation;
  • Functional - studying the chemical transformations underlying the functions of tissues, organs and the body as a whole.

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