
Mammoplasty is called plastic surgery on the mammary gland to change its shape or size.
Indications for mammoplasty
Indications for mammoplasty are:
- Macropathy, which is characterized by a strongly enlarged breast, in which elasticity and location are preserved;
- Micromastia, which is a congenital pathology and is determined by the small size of the breast;
- Ptosis of the mammary glands, in which the size of the breast is preserved, but at the same time it is omitted;
- Post-lactation involution of the mammary glands, in which the glands are significantly reduced in size, which, as a rule, develops after the end of the baby's natural feeding.
Most often, mammoplasty is performed for women, however, with hypertrophied breasts in men (gynecomastia), this operation is also possible.
Contraindications for mammoplasty
Doctors identify a number of diseases and conditions in which mammoplasty is contraindicated. These restrictions can be either absolute or temporary. So mammoplasty is contraindicated for:
- With oncological diseases;
- During the treatment of infectious diseases;
- With severe diseases of internal organs;
- Against the background of blood clotting disorders;
- Until reaching the age of eighteen;
- During incomplete lactation (usually before the child reaches the age of 12 months).
Before mammoplasty, it is necessary to obtain a doctor's opinion on the possibility of carrying out this procedure, which are done on the basis of the examination and the results of the studies performed:
- ECG;
- Coagulograms of blood;
- General analysis of urine and blood;
- Analysis for the presence of hepatitis;
- Biochemical blood test;
- Ultrasound of the mammary glands.
There are also a number of restrictions on taking certain medications before mammoplasty. So, provided that there are no contraindications for 2 weeks before the operation, it is prohibited to take medications that include salicylates. Also, during this period, the use of hormonal contraceptives is contraindicated. To speed up the healing process of the stitches, quit smoking a week before the operation.
As a rule, mammoplasty operations are performed under general anesthesia. The average duration of the operation, depending on its type, varies from 1.5 to 4 hours.
Indications and contraindications for reduction mammoplasty
Reduction mammoplasty is called surgical interventions that are aimed at reducing the volume of the mammary glands.
Severe prolapsed mammary glands, as a rule, cause not only physical but also mental discomfort. It is the excessive volume and mass of the glands, which are the cause of inconvenience for a woman, that in most cases is the main indication for a reduction mammoplasty.
In addition, severe and lowered mammary glands are often accompanied by osteochondrosis and static deformities of the spine. In this case, against the background of hypertrophy of the mammary glands, chronic mastitis and mastopathy with a pronounced pain syndrome can develop.
Contraindications for reduction mammoplasty are:
- Severe concomitant diseases in the stage of decompensation, for example, hypertension or diabetes mellitus;
- Diseases of the mammary glands.

In addition to the standard examination for mammoplasty, when planning this type of operation, you should consult a mammologist oncologist.
When carrying out an operation for reduction mammoplasty, three main tasks are usually solved:
- Raising the lowered nipple-areola complex while maintaining its sensitivity and simultaneously creating an aesthetically beautiful symmetrical shape of the mammary glands and minimal postoperative scars located in the hidden zone;
- Removal of excess volume of breast tissue while maintaining normal nutrition for the remaining tissues of the gland and the nipple-areola complex;
- Removal of excess, overly stretched skin that covers the gland.
The optimal tactics for the operation is determined by the surgeon individually, taking into account the existing problems. At the same time, the possibility of lactation must be preserved.
Rehabilitation after mammoplasty
According to statistics, complications after mammoplasty are not common. In the case of an inflammatory process, antibiotics are usually prescribed.
The success of the mammoplasty performed, according to reviews, is largely determined by the rehabilitation period. The unpleasant sensations usually disappear 3-4 days after the operation, and the swelling disappears completely after a few weeks. In addition, postoperative hematomas may occur at an early stage of rehabilitation (up to 7 days).
According to most plastic surgeons, special compression garments are needed to maintain the shape of the breast after mammoplasty.
It is recommended to wear such underwear after mammoplasty for at least a month, which will contribute to the fastest recovery after surgery, reduce edema and improve blood circulation.
In addition, the compression garment after mammoplasty controls the position of the implants and prevents them from dropping abruptly.
Often, breasts after mammoplasty during the recovery period can cause some inconvenience and lead to pain in the shoulders and back. Compression garments increase comfort during this period and shorten the time to get used to.
When choosing compression underwear after mammoplasty, you should make sure that it is:
- Hypoallergenic;
- Comfortable;
- Breathable;
- Free;
- Invisible under clothing for the naked eye;
- Contributing to the prevention of edema and bruising.
Until the breast is fully restored after mammoplasty, according to reviews, it is not recommended to wear:
- Strapless bras, because during this period it is important to create the right support for breast implants;
- Push-up bras that can cause deformation of the breast shape.
Also, in the recovery period after mammoplasty, according to reviews, it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:
- Throughout the year, avoid direct sunlight or tanning lamps on the scarred area so as not to provoke the development of uncontrolled pigmentation;
- Use products to reduce the appearance of scars only after they have completely healed;
- In the early stages of the rehabilitation period, it is recommended to sleep on your back with your head slightly raised, which will help reduce swelling and reduce the feeling of discomfort. On the side after mammoplasty, according to reviews, you can sleep in 2 weeks, and on the stomach - not earlier than in a month;
- It is not recommended to have sex for several weeks after the operation, however, protection from possible pregnancy should be at least a year.
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