Bronchiolitis - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

Bronchiolitis - Dictionary Of Medical Terms
Bronchiolitis - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

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Bronchiolitis (bronchiolitis; bronchioli Latin diminutive from Greek bronch- (bronchus-); Greek bronchos - windpipe; prefix denoting a connection with bronchi + Latin it (word-form suffix) - inflammatory process; synonym: capillary bronchitis) - inflammation of the walls of the bronchioles, most often of bacterial or viral origin; in the form of an independent disease is noted in children of the first year of life.

Allocate bronchiolitis:

  • Influenza (gripposa) - predominantly hemorrhagic, caused by influenza viruses;
  • Intramural (intramuralis) - in which, as a rule, there is intramural inflammatory infiltration; characteristic of measles;
  • Caseous (caseosa) - proceeding with the formation of curdled necrosis of the peribronchiolar (peribronchial) tissue and the walls of the bronchioles; observed in measles and tuberculosis;
  • Catarrhal (catarrhalis) - in which there is catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchioles;
  • Obliterans (obliterans) - characterized by the destruction of the walls and overgrowth of the lumen of the bronchioles with granulation tissue;
  • Obliterating congenital (obliterans congenita) - obliterating bronchiolitis detected in newborns, caused by intrauterine infection of the fetus.

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