Children's health
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
For effective education of independence in children, you need to try not to do for the child what he can do himself. For example, collect toys, put clothes in a closet
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The upbringing of a child from 1 year old is based on his desire to learn about the world. Therefore, during this period, parents should devote a lot of time explaining to the baby what is possible and what is not
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Games are of great importance in raising a 5 year old child. The game forms imagination, ingenuity, volitional qualities, moral attitudes
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The upbringing of a 7-year-old child should be aimed at developing independence, sociability, attentiveness. At this age, the child goes to school and he will have to cope with all the difficulties himself
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The upbringing of a 10-year-old child should be based on trusting relationships and the authority of adults. At this age, you cannot psychologically pressure a child, you need to communicate with him as an equal
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Raising a 6-year-old child has its own characteristics. This is the age when a child is on the border between an older preschooler and a younger student
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Preschool education of children should be given maximum attention. After all, it is not for nothing that they say - what you sow is what you reap. This also applies to the basics of forming a baby's personality
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Raising a 3-year-old child requires consistency and patience from parents. Often during this period, parents cannot cope with the whims of their baby. Psychologists attribute this to a 3-year crisis
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The child may be weakened after the flu. Therefore, doctors recommend to adhere to a sparing regimen for a week after the illness, if possible, not to attend kindergarten or school
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Influenza is an acute infection of the respiratory tract. Influenza in a newborn can cause complications of the cardiovascular and central nervous system
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Raising children with speech impairments is not much different from raising an ordinary child. Correction of speech defects should be carried out taking into account the recommendations of a speech therapist
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Dysbacteriosis in children under one year old occurs due to antibiotic treatment, the introduction of complementary foods, for which the children's intestines are not yet ready, due to intestinal infections
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Influenza during breastfeeding is not a reason to leave a baby without breast milk. Rather, on the contrary, since the child will receive with milk the virus itself, and antibodies to it, and immune protection
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If, after an abortion, the body temperature rose slightly, then this may indicate that the tissues of the uterus have been damaged or an infection has been introduced
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If after an abortion the test shows two stripes, you do not need to panic right away. This result is possible due to a gradual decrease in the level of human chorionic gonadotropin
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In psychology and pedagogy, the types of upbringing of children are described in sufficient detail. The task of parents and teachers is education aimed at the all-round development of the personality
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Raising young children should be based on love and patience. Parenting using force is not effective and will have negative consequences
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The upbringing of children with disabilities has its own specifics, which is based on the nature of violations and deviations in the development of the child
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Often women who have gone through an artificial termination of pregnancy are interested in what cannot be done after an abortion, so as not to provoke complications
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Often, a woman asks the gynecologist about what to do after an abortion. After such a procedure, the body needs time and conditions for full recovery
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How long after an abortion do you need to plan a new pregnancy? Doctors recommend thinking about it 6 months after the procedure, because the body must recover
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The statistics of abortions in the world are disappointing - the annual number of surgical abortions in the world exceeds 55 million. For every 1000 babies, there are 400-500 abortions
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The reasons for abortion are very diverse. These can be social, housing, material factors. Abortion is often done for medical reasons
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Any pills after an abortion can be taken only after consulting a doctor. You should not self-medicate or choose hormonal contraceptives yourself
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An early abortion is considered the least traumatic for the tissues of the uterus and does not entail as many complications as the termination of pregnancy at a later date
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In modern society, the arguments against abortion from the point of view of demography and morality are expressed by doctors, public figures and church ministers
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Post-abortion bleeding is a normal reaction of the body to abortion. But if the bleeding is profuse and prolonged, you should consult a doctor
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The selection of contraceptives after an abortion should be carried out by a gynecologist. The most effective are hormonal contraceptives
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Often women who have gone through an abortion in the past want to keep it a secret. Naturally, they are interested in whether the doctor will be able to determine whether there was an abortion
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Before the abortion, the doctor directs the woman to undergo the necessary tests. She should also be informed about possible complications after an abortion
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The doctor should explain to a woman who has gone through an abortion that there is no period after an abortion. Bloody discharge just begins after the procedure
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Resumption of sexual activity after an abortion should occur 4 weeks after the procedure. It takes time for the tissue of the uterus to heal if such damage has occurred
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The doctor should explain to a woman who has gone through an abortion that there is no period after an abortion. Bloody discharge just begins after the procedure
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The first month after an abortion should be aimed at rehabilitation of the body in order to reduce the risk of possible complications after termination of pregnancy
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Late abortion or induced termination of pregnancy beyond 12 weeks is the most dangerous for a woman's health
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After an abortion, the female body needs a certain time for rehabilitation and the resumption of reproductive function. After 2-3 weeks, you need to visit a doctor
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The uterus after an abortion can be injured, since the operation is carried out blindly and the risk of complications is high. If a woman feels uncomfortable and painful, she should see a doctor
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After a medical abortion procedure, menstruation should normally begin after a woman's normal cycle. A possible delay of up to ten days is considered
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Special treatment after an abortion may be required in the event of unwanted consequences or complications caused by this procedure
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Women who have undergone an abortion procedure often ask their doctor when does their period after an abortion start?