Abortion Statistics: How Often Are Pregnancy Terminated In Russia And In The World?

Abortion Statistics: How Often Are Pregnancy Terminated In Russia And In The World?
Abortion Statistics: How Often Are Pregnancy Terminated In Russia And In The World?

Abortion statistics

Society's attitude towards artificial termination of pregnancy, i.e. to abortion has multifaceted shades.

Abortion statistics - number and main reasons
Abortion statistics - number and main reasons

There are always psychological and physiological aspects here. In Rome and ancient Greece, abortion was not something unusual and sometimes even welcomed, but in the Middle Ages in a number of countries, termination of pregnancy was considered a sin and was punishable by death. The punishment was later mitigated, but until the early 20th century, abortion was punishable by prison terms for both the woman and the performer. This forced women to terminate pregnancy secretly, often in the absence of basic hygienic conditions. Sometimes such an abortion ended in the death of the woman.

Abortion statistics in the world

Abortion is now legal in almost all countries. But Afghanistan, Angola, Scotland, Egypt, Papua New Guinea, Nepal, Ireland, the United Arab Emirates, due to social and religious characteristics, have not abolished the abortion bans. In Argentina and Poland, a number of countries in Latin America and Africa, abortions are possible only in cases of threat to the life and health of a woman. Abortion is legal in Europe and the United States, but the timing and indications for an abortion vary in different ways.

According to statistics, approximately 55 million women annually perform abortions in the world, i.e. 21% of all pregnancies are terminated artificially.

The same abortion statistics indicate that about 70 thousand women die every year from various complications resulting from abortions. Every fifth woman becomes sterile as a result of the first abortion.

Abortion statistics indicate that 40% of abortions are done at the request of a woman, 25% are performed because of a threat to the woman's health, 23% of abortions are caused by various social problems, and in 12% of cases, artificial termination of pregnancy is performed due to fetal anomalies.

According to statistics on abortions in the world, 75% of girls who have sex before the age of 20 terminate their first pregnancy, 10% of them remain infertile.

It was found that the frequency of complications in women who became pregnant for the first time and decided to have an abortion reaches 45%, on average this figure is 28%.

Any abortion is a serious psychological burden on a woman and her family. There are cases when an induced abortion became the cause of the development of a depressive state, attempts at suicide, and gave impetus to the development of certain mental illnesses.

According to statistics, the legalization of abortion has reduced the number of criminal abortions, but still, for a number of reasons, women, especially young girls, are trying to terminate pregnancies secretly, in inappropriate conditions. Such termination of pregnancy usually ends with incomplete removal of the fetus, bleeding, damage to the uterus, which can lead to serious consequences, including death.

Abortion statistics in Russia

More than 6 million abortions are performed in Russia annually. According to statistics, abortion in Russia is a rather serious demographic problem. Today our country takes one of the first places in the number of abortions as a percentage of the total number of children born. It may sound strange to you, but nowadays, when contraception is available for any couple, 57% of all pregnancies end in abortion.

Sad statistics of abortions in Russia
Sad statistics of abortions in Russia

As a result, abortions exceed the birth rate in the Russian Federation by more than 2 times. About 1.5 million abortions are recorded annually. Every fifth abortion occurs in a teenage girl aged 10 to 18 years. More than 22,000 abortions are performed in Russia every day.

According to the statistics of abortions in Russia, up to 15% of operations result in complications, about 8% of women remain infertile. Currently, about 7 million Russian women cannot experience the happiness of motherhood, and the reason for this lies in their previous abortion.

The number of criminal abortions in Russia has declined as various private clinics provide these services anonymously, but the number of complications is still not decreasing.

Experts say that the statistics of abortions in Russia cannot be complete, and its figures can be surely doubled, because abortions performed in private clinics, as well as self-medication abortion are not included in the statistics.

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